IVP ('Intelligent' Voicetrack Processor) 6.0 for mAirList v4.x

Please note that this version of IVP is exclusively for use with mAirList v4.x.
If you use mAirList v3.x, please use v5.2 of IVP instead, which has exactly the same functionality.

Well, mAirList v4 users: here is IVP for v4 of mAirList! It does exactly the same as all previous versions, but in mAirList V4, you can finally see the changes IVP makes to your Playlist items by using the Mix Editor.

For those unfamiliar with IVP, it attempts to ‘intelligently’ set up segues of your music and voicetracks according to Ending codes which you (or one of the supplied MarkEndings scripts) have added to your Playlist. This can make your voicetracks sound ‘as live’ and yet never crash a Ramp; allow you to start dry sweepers over a music track; run a bed under a voicetrack; and other rather nifty effects.

You DO need to have set up at least Ramp cue points in your music tracks; and if you have Outro points set up as well, IVP can work at its absolute best and make your fully-automated station sound like a very professional and slick CHR station with a live presenter. All you need to provide is music tracks with cue points, and all the voicetracks (!), and IVP can do the rest for you.

Please note that you DO need to run IVP separately for each playlist and then manually check the results. If you use Database Playlists, you do need to load these into a mAirList Playlist, then run IVP and run any final tweaks, before finally saving the fully-marked-up Playlist as an MLP file and then Importing it to your mAirList database. It can then be scheduled for playout like any other database playlist.

If you are a new IVP user, please read the manual (supplied) before you use IVP for the first time. The better you understand what IVP actually does (clever backtiming, adding and moving cue points, and adding envelope points to do the ‘fades’), the easier and quicker you will be able to put IVP to genuine use for your station output, as other mAirList users have done.



IVP-6.0.zip (136 KB)

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Hello Cad,
I’m a german Broadcaster and today i found your Script.
And know i can say, you are Brilllllliant!
Its the greatest thing ive ever found for Mairlist!
Thank you for so great things and please never stop developing it !

Great Wishes from Germany
(and sorry for my very bad english) ^^

Does IVP works for the database playlist as well?


Hi Cad,

Does IVP work with V 5 of Mairlist? Or some of the functionality have been integrated? I have played with the voice track editor and if voice-tracked on the fly its provides similar quality to the VT engine used on Nextgen…