External audio editor support

Hi gang,

Does “External audio editor support” mean we can use Adobe Audition in v6?

Currently I bulk record VT in mAirList, and process the wav files in Audition in bulk, applying my own secret sauce settings to make the voice over sound awesome. It’s easier for me, as I’m an Audition/Cool Edit Pro native.

You can use any audio editor that accepts an audio file name as a parameter on the command line. Not sure about Audition, but I think it does.

mAirList will simply wait for the file to change on disk, and then prompt the user to re-import it.

Interesting, cool. I’ll have to give that a go.

Hi Torben,
I would like to dig up this topic.
I don’t really manage to edit an audio file with external program.
I have tried to use audacity for that.
When i’m choosing “External audio Editor support”, audcacity opens the right audio file.
But when i have finished my edit, I don’t really know what to do. Export audio file ? Save Audacity project…
For each option, Database is still pending.

For what external program do you have imagine this option (by the way, if it could works, it would be a great option !)


Hi Matthieu,

concerning your Audacity questions I can give you a hint. :slight_smile:

Using “Save (as)” in Audacity always causes saving all data in an Audacity project. A project contains a folder including a lot of subfolders and an *.aup-file, both with the same name (this is important!). Folder and *.aup-file must be in the same directory / folder, otherwise the project can not be opened!
However, I think this is not your idea, since the imported audio file also wasn’t a project… :wink:

“Export” is the right way, because it’s Audacity’s way to create audio files. Then you have to decide which codec you prefer; please note that the file will be re-coded. Using lossy codecs can cause poor quality the more often you re-code the file. ???

Hi uli,
Thanks for your answer.
I think your hint is for a normal use or Audacity.
But i’m wondering how to use it with the option “external audio edit” which is possible from database.
I think the idea of this option is to open your audio file with an external program, and the edited file is automatically reimported in the database and replace the previous one.
I manage to switch automatically from database to audacity but I don’t manage to do it in the other way.


you are right.

[quote=“matthieudraft, post:4, topic:10940”]But when i have finished my edit (…)
For each option, Database is still pending.[/quote]

I can confirm this. After having exported the edited file and closing Audacity, the database does not recognize the change and is still pending.
I have no idea what’s the reason for this.

Later on I will try it with Hindenburg, but this needs some changes here.

Sorry for having no better news,
Uli :frowning:

You must overwrite the file that mAirListDB placed in the temp folder and passes to the editor. I understand that it’s not so easily possible with Audacity. You must use “Export”, locate the file and overwrite it manually.

Hint: mAirList uses the user’s temp folder by default, but you can specify a more accessible folder in the [Options] section of mAirList.ini:


Will help to identify and then overwrite the file.

Hi Torben,

I’m very close to the solution.
I’ve modified the temp folder. Extracted the edited file.
Database is telling me : “the file has been changed, do you want to import it” (that sounds good).
But, i can’t import this edited file because each time, it’s telling me “Error in “replace ID” mode, target must by a dummy or error item”.
I understand that something is missing in the process. Previous file should be convert in a dummy. It doesn’t seem to work exactly like the replace audio file option ?

Other question, what editor could you advice to us (other than audacity) ?
