Windows 10 losing sound settings for D&R Airlite

Hi, I am a new member to the forum, so please be gentle with me. I’m a home user with the Advanced version of mAirlist.

I have a problem and would be grateful for any help or advice to try to sort it out.

My setup is as follows:

I have a D&R Airlite MK2 and am running mAirlist Version 6.3.10 Build 4423 in a Windows 10 virtual machine on an Apple Mac using Vmware Fusion.

The problem I am having is that, after a random period of time (sometimes up to an hour), Windows loses my sound settings and the faders on the Airlite stop responding.

I then have to quit mAirlist, reset the settings for every sound channel in Windows Control Panel and then restart mAirlist. This cycle then repeats itself and is therefore making mAirlist unusable on my system.

I am using WASAPI audio settings but I get the same problem if I also try to use DirectSound.

I should also note that Windows 10 loses the sound settings when rebooting too and I have to go through the setup process every time I restart, which is very annoying.

I realise that the problem is most likely not caused by mAirlist but probably a combination of my using a virtual machine and Windows 10. I have also not ruled out the possibility that I may have received a faulty Airlite from D&R but I’m hoping that is not the case.

Sorry for the long post but I would be grateful if anyone could help me to troubleshoot this annoying problem.

So the fader start etc. stuff stops as well?

The control part is totally independent of the audio part (though running over the same USB cable), so it might be related to the USB being disconnected from the VM?

Hey Torben, Thank you for the quick response.

I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear in my original post. It’s only the sound settings that become screwed up. The control settings continue to work OK so the fader start etc works but just the sound is lost.

I should also note that everything works perfectly on the Mac side. If I use the native Mac app Radiologik DJ everthing works perfectly but I love mAirlist and would love to be able to use it.

I am quite sure your problem is caused by the Windows 10 Virtual Machine. I am using a D&R Airlite and mAirList version 6 on a windows based PC. Works great. You write that you have to adjust the audio sound settings in Windows? It appears that the Virtual Machine is losing its connection to the physical hardware (audio card).

Can you install mAirList on a windows PC and connect the D&R Airlite? This in any case excludes that the Airlite is defective (delivered).

It just happened again!

Strangely the song in player B suddenly stopped playing and the waveform display for player B froze. The on screen “Play” button for player B does not work but the other buttons for player B, “stop” “eject” etc. are still working. Player A and the cart player are still working as normal.

Thank you for your reply Adriaan. Those are my thoughts too. Unfortunately I do not have a Windows based PC but it looks as though I will have to buy one if I want to keep using mAirlist. :frowning_face:

We’re seeing this issue on physical Windows machines as well from time to time, often with D&R mixers. D&R says it an be related to faulty USB cables etc. Of course, the VM adds another layer of uncertainty.

The effect is that the device is briefly disconnected and connected again (so fast you can’t see it). And then it won’t work until the application is restarted.

I have just uploaded snapshot 4432 which adds some additional logging to the System Log whenever a WASAPI device disconnects or connects (you have to enable “Debug” in the Filter menu to see it). Maybe it helps to track the problem down.

Thank you Torben. I really appreciate your help.
I have tried a different USB cable but that didn’t help. I don’t know if there’s such a thing as a high quality USB A to B cable or if it would make a difference.

It really is frustrating. I have been trying to get it working for a several days now without success.

I thought about booting my Mac directly into Windows from the Bootcamp partition but if I did that my license would need amending and I would not be able to access my music as it is stored in iTunes on the Mac.

I don’t really want to have to buy a PC as my budget doesn’t stretch that far at the moment. I’ve just bought the Airlite and mAirlist so my funds are running low. :frowning_face: Maybe a PC is the only answer though but I will keep searching for another solution in the meantime.

I’ll have a go at downloading the snapshot and see if that helps track down the problem as you say.

Thanks again for your help and advice.

This might also help to check if USB disconnects happen: USBLogView - Records the details of any USB device that is plugged or unplugged into your system

I’m sure that will help. Thank you Torben. You really are going the extra mile. :grinning:

Just trying to help :wink:

If you are really seeing USB disconnects, we do at least know where to look. Next step would be to check if they are between macOS and the VM, or on the “physical” side. In other words, check the macOS Console app for any USB disconnects.

Ever thought about trying Parallels?

Torben, you’re getting a bit too technical for me now :wink:

Hi Tondrose,
Yes I have Parallels to and thought about that, in fact I installed it today but chickened out at the last minute as I didn’t want to screw up my activation of mAirlist or Windows MS Office etc.

Thanks for the suggestion :+1:

I mean, if the USB connection between the console and your VM breaks, it can either be between the console and the Mac, or between the Mac and the VM.

These tools and logs will help us to find out.

I would be over the moon if we could get to the bottom of it. I’m loving mAirlist. I just wish I was able to use it on my system. Perhaps I should have done more research before I bought it but I only have myself to blame for that.

The fact that the sound card settings, in Windows device manager, change after every reboot is a worry too.

Hi Torben, I’ve just had the error again in the snapshot 4432. All players have frozen in mAirlist.

No WASAPI errors are showing in the system log or in USBLogView.

I generated a bug report and selected email but I’m not sure if it was sent. I have saved the bug report as a text file if you need to see it.

I immediately restarted mAirlist and all the players became unfrozen again.