Windows 10 losing sound settings for D&R Airlite

Ok, so it’s only the audio. This sounds very much like the typical problems some D&R owners see. Just an example: WASAPI problem with D&R Airlite - #12 by Adriaan

It’s not quite clear what is causing them; my impression is that it can vary by mainboard/USB chipset. This is where the hypervisor could play a major role.

Out of curiosity, as you also have Parallels, could you try if it happens there as well? (You can activate a trial license, or we can put another demo into your account, let me now.)

Thank you Torben. I will try Parallels however, as I don’t want to mess up my Windows and mAirlist activations, I would be grateful if you could put another demo into my account as you kindly suggested.

I will report back once I have tried it out.

Please use the 30-day built in trial from the License Manager.

Your existing activation in the other VM will remain unaffected.

Will do. Thank you. :smiley:


Firstly may I say a big “Thank You” to Tondrose and particularly to Torben for your help over the last few days. I have been tearing my hair out trying to get mAirlist working on my, somewhat non-standard, setup.

Thanks to your suggestions I tried running Windows 10 with Parallels on my Mac.

The mAirlist demo has been running without a problem for over two hours. There have been no USB disconnects; I have powered down my Mac and the Airlite several times end each time the USB sound card settings have stayed as they should. :smiley:

I really can’t thank you enough for your help and patience in helping me get to the bottom of this problem.

I now have a decision to make. Either migrate my Windows 10 Virtual Machine from VMWare Fusion to Parallels or, when my budget allows, buy a dedicated PC to run mAirlist.

I think that in the long run it will be better to get a PC. I just wish that, for now, I could get the problems with VMWare Fusion sorted as migrating to Parallels would be a nightmare to transfer my software activation for a number of programmes and Windows itself.

For now I am happy that the problem has been diagnosed and that, in the future, I will be able to run mAirlist without a hitch.

Please accept my apologies for any headaches I may have caused you over the last few days.

Kind regards,
Bernard. (A grateful home user)

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I’m running mAirlist on a very low-budget PC that’s 7-8 years old + sound processing. I just changed the HDD to a SSD so you’ll probably get an used old PC for 100-150 € and mAirlist will run fine…

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Thank you Stefan. That’s good to know. Maybe I’ll be up and running sooner than I thought :slight_smile:

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Which Windows applications do you run together with mAirList? So you might not need to migrate all your business from VM to P, but only the mAirList related stuff …

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Hi Tondose,
Thank you for the suggestion. That sounds like a great solution, until I get a dedicated PC for mAirlist. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. :man_facepalming:
Your advice is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

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Here the same as Stefan.
Last year I bought a new super fast pc.
But if you don’t use things as stereotool you can buy a pc from 10 years and it runs smoothly.
My old pc a q6600 is now way over 10 years and mairlist run perfectly on it.
I now use it for non mairlist things as chat box Facebook.
I try to keep the mairlist pc as clean as possible.


Thank you Henk. That sounds great! :+1:

Good point.    


Yes, Stereo Tool didn’t run smoothly and stressed my machine - but Breakaway One works like charm, getting the signal from the Webstation, processing it and sending it back to the encoder Line In via a virtual cable.

mAirlist is then still capable to parallel send a high quality stream out and save an aircheck file in mp3 320kbs…

I’m following the same idea as Henk: Only use it for mAirlist and audio related stuff and another PC for all the other things…

Best: I can use a software to prevent Windows from doing unwanted updates on my mAirlist machine because they always destroy the audio settings and restore my licence :wink:

Don’t know about your country but here in the Netherlands you buy a second hand pc for 50 to 100 euro

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Yes, I’m sure I will be able to find something, here in the UK, for a reasonable price.

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I have a related issue and contacted D&R support for it:

I’ve used the Airlite combined with mAirlist for years now. Because of a hardware issue I bought the Airlite MK2.

After playing two channels, the third and fourth don’t play audio. It doesn’t matter in which order. The first two always work and the next two don’t. The first two keep working after trying three and four.

I’d reconnected the old Airlite and then everything is working fine (except for the hardware-issue). Therefore I don’t think Windows/mAirlist is causing the problem.

BTW: Button/faderstartsignals are working fine. I haven’t tested Voip yet.