Stream Monitor - Start hour breaks in

Hello everybody,
I’d like to transmit live through Stream Monitor.
Everything works fine.

However: If I start Stream Monitor at 3:55 for a live programme in 10 minutes, . the next hours playlist, will break in at 4:00, and I have to connect again.

What is the best way to avoid that?

Of course it´s okay, that mAirlist continues in the next hours playlist, when live-transmitting is finished.

It’s not the same time (fixed times) every day/week I will send live

Any suggestions?

Best regards

The Stream Monitor will not be interrupted / disconnected by a new hour by default.

Are you using the „Stream Monitor“ or an element in the playlist to play an incoming stream?


Hi Stefan,
I use Stream Monitor
Best regards

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Hi Junker,

sorry for the delay. I decided to make a full FAQ for the Stream Monitor and suggestions on how to use it instead of hiding it in a single thread :wink:

Please take a look here if this helps you.

Maybe it fits your needs more to use the SM without any actions but the “High Priority Input” instead.

I also attached two scripts to time the de-/activation of the SM so you can use it as a timed event or in a hour template.

Please report back, if this was helpful and solved both of your problems.

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Hi Stefan,
I’ll have a look at what you have written very soon. Thanks alot.
I’ll get back as soon as possible.

Best regards

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