export playlist for voice track txt file

Hello, i would like to know how can i do when i export to have a playlist from bdd with time, artist title time intro
i don t have time, and when i export txt file there is nothing written
i d like to have something like that

Heure T Code Titre Artiste Durée Intro
06:00:00 H 06H00 Top Horaire 2017 - 6H - Julien Production Interne 00:00:10.678 0:00:000
06:00:11 H -SPEAK- ------ 7 - Dimanche 06h01 ---- -------- Animateur -------- 00:00:23.278 0:00:000
06:00:34 M 0740016 KILLER QUEEN QUEEN 00:02:56.700 0:02.500
06:03:29 H JC18 jingle Production Interne 00:00:09.605 0:08.400
06:03:37 M 8939 CASTLE IN THE SNOW THE AVENER 00:03:30.400 0:20.100
06:07:03 H JC28 id radio Production Interne 00:00:14.638 0:08.800
06:07:16 M 5050 A THOUSAND MILES VANESSA CARLTON 00:03:55.400 0:10.300

i used to do with excell but too much work

i d like to have the same like the picture
thanks for help

It seems you found a Bug.
I just confirmed it on my system. “Save Playlist as” and than choose txt. Same result from mAirlist Main Playlist and from Database Export dialog.

A TXT file is generated but there are only empty lines with no content.

Double Checked on my mAirlist Version 6.1.6

Seems nobody has used this feature for a while.
Can you work with html as a workaround for the moment?
I did not double check it but it seems to be more common format for this task.

The format of the “custom text” export must be specified in the config app first (Misc -> Settings), using the logging variables: https://www.mairlist.com/dokuwiki/reference:logging_variables

:o Never heard about that before.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have it at least pre-filled with some default values, according to the default playlist format?
At least for new installations.

[quote=“shorty.xs, post:4, topic:11955”]:o Never heard about that before.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have it at least pre-filled with some default values, according to the default playlist format?
At least for new installations.[/quote] can we have an example with sreenshot?I still have an emppty file

for txt file,do we have to go here for having a txt file no empty?


hello, could you explain me how to export a playlist in txt files with hour-artist-title-time-intro
i don t understand how to do that, when i export i ve got a file empty, thanks

Bonjour Berthy,

I tried to do it like Torben described it in reply #2:

Seems that it works fine (see attached: result of an exported playlist as *.txt file and config parameters).

The only thing I didn’t try is “intro”. Maybe it is …

%c{Type} - Cue marker, in sections with fractions

… but I don’t know what to put into [tt]{Type}[/tt] (maybe “Ramp1”?) and if this value can be fomatted as {tt}.

All other values were quite simple to figure out by this description.
Two things are different to your text above:

[ul][li]A headline is missing and I have no idea how this can be implemented in the export file[/li][/ul]

… and …

[ul][li]it seems you can not use a tabulator sign instead of space. Maybe you would like to use a semicolon instead of a space so you are able to import this txt-file into Excel or LibreOffice Calc etc.[/li][/ul]

Salutations de Francfort sur le Main :slight_smile:

Test Playlist txt.png

thanks i understand better with captures
it s now working for me, an idea for the ramp? what do we have to write for variable?
%intro ?