'Whip-round' for full WMA support?

As most of us already know, to play ‘protected’ WMAs, Torben would need to purchase the DLL from Un4Seen (makers of BASS) at a cost of roughly €900 if I remember correctly.

Given the very large number of mAirList users nowadays, it strikes me that if enough interested parties were prepared to donate even €20 each, the money could be raised fairly quickly.

Having full WMA support would fill a little gap in mAirList’s features, to the benefit of all mAirList users and fans.

So …

Would anyone else be interested in full WMA support? And if so, would you be prepared to put (say) €20 into the ‘pot’ to make this happen?

(That would be ‘yes’ and ‘yes’ from me!)


I don’t use protected WMA’s but for the good of the community count me in!