
Tis morning after starting the pc a pop up that there was a virus found in mairlist.
The program was deleted from the pc.
I downloaded the program and then everything was ok.
This wasn’t the first time.
I still use 6.3 and update’s aren’t that much, its been more than a month ago that I did a update.

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Hi Henk, this is a known Microsoft issue. mAirList, which is verifiably virus-free, triggers some AI mechanisms wich lets Defender presume it were invasive. Workaround is creating an exception for the mAirList programme directory and/or turning off cloud protection in Defender. Very aggravating, this.


Hi Tondose, Can you please share best practices in securing mAirlist playout automation and the server

Alas, I can’t, as I’m no expert in this topic. But, as with any other software, it might be good practice to consider the usual measures to protect your computer from attacks from outside.