Velleman K8055, K8055N, VM110, VM110N Studio Switching

There are several procedures for all kinds of events to use in scripts. Look for the file Background Script, to be found in the mAirList program folder or here, where these are listed. For your needs the procedures OnItemStart or OnPlayerStart might be suitable, depending on what you want to achieve exactly. (Nevertheless, I do not know if this is working with Dummies, as I have never used them to date.)

If you like to do a little scripting yourself, feel free to do so. There isn’t really a way to mess things up (apart from one exception, which is indicated in Background Script, namely OnSystemLog.) The syntax is close to Delphi/Turbo Pascal, just file your scripts under <Name>.mls and make sure to test them before registering with the mAirList > Run Script… menu item.

Encouraging regards