v3.0 build 495

I think the following may seem confusing to those adding files via mAirListDB - When you’ve reviewed the tracks and perhaps double-clicked them to adjust any funny artist/title combinations - you then add them to the database… but once it’s done, it returns you to the review screen which may confuse you… Perhaps a “Bulk Add Finished” window instead ?

On a related note, is there a way of getting Years searchable via the database ? (especially OnTheFly which we’re using at Phoenix FM as we have an 80s show and at times it becomes the 1979-1991 show!)

I’m also a bit confused as to what the “mount point” is on the SHOUTcast logging - I’ve tried a few of the options on this (working) string: http://server:8000/admin.cgi?pass=mypassword&mode=updinfo&song=Test

I’ve also just encountered an Access Violation when upping the Cartwall EOF warning from 0 to 1:

[code]Access violation at address 00799771 in module ‘mAirList.exe’. Write of address 00000008

13 October 2008, 10:58:18

Program Version 3.0.0 Build 495

Call stack:

[0056E167] ComCtrls.ComCtrls.TCustomUpDown.WMVScroll + $2F
[00472EA3] Controls.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00476D05] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00472B30] Controls.Controls.TControl.Perform + $24
[00476E3B] Controls.Controls.DoControlMsg + $23
[00477663] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WMVScroll + $B
[00472EA3] Controls.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00476D05] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00476490] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042F418] Classes.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00448749] StdCtrls.StdCtrls.TCustomEdit.DefaultHandler + $2D
[00472EA3] Controls.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00476DE7] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $D7
[004734A1] Controls.Controls.TControl.WMLButtonDown + $15
[00472EA3] Controls.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00402F84] System.System.@FreeMem + $4
[00405595] System.System.@LStrArrayClr + $21
[004B13FE] JclDateTime.JclDateTime.FormatDateTime (Line 1136, “JclDateTime.pas” + 143) + $28
[004B142E] JclDateTime.JclDateTime.FormatDateTime (Line 1137, “JclDateTime.pas” + 144) + $20
[00476D05] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[0042396C] Classes.Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList + $4
[0043B7B8] Graphics.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $98
[00476490] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004764A5] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[004764AD] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $49
[00476818] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg + $60
[00476D05] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00476490] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042F418] Classes.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0046E21A] Controls.Controls.FindControl + $42
[004904D8] Forms.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $FC
[00490512] Forms.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[0052FA51] VirtualTrees.VirtualTrees.TBaseVirtualTree.CMHintShowPause (Line 15039, “VirtualTrees.pas” + 0) + $5
[00490732] Forms.Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[0079C4B8] CoreGUIMainWindows.CoreGUIMainWindows.TConfigMainWindow.Run (Line 161, “CoreGUIMainWindows.pas” + 5) + $7
[0098EC45] mAirList.mAirList.MainWindow (Line 98, “C:\projects\mAirList\trunk\mAirList.dpr” + 19) + $6
(005985EE) [009995EE]

This should only happens when at least one item failed to be added (for whatever reason). The items which were added successfully are removed from the list, and you are sent back to the “review items” page, which should now only display the failed items. The dialog lacks an error message at the moment.

On a related note, is there a way of getting Years searchable via the database ? (especially OnTheFly which we're using at Phoenix FM as we have an 80s show and at times it becomes the 1979-1991 show!)

If the years are imported or maintained as an attribute, yes. You will be able to search through the attribute values.

I'm also a bit confused as to what the "mount point" is on the SHOUTcast logging - I've tried a few of the options on this (working) string: [b]http://server:8000/admin.cgi?pass=mypassword&mode=updinfo&song=Test[/b]

According to my information, the url can have an additional “mount=xxx” parameter, in case you run multiple stations on that server. I always thought the parameter was mandatory. Perhaps you can just leave it blank for the default stream.

I've also just encountered an Access Violation when upping the Cartwall EOF warning from 0 to 1: [code]Access violation at address 00799771 in module 'mAirList.exe'. Write of address 00000008[/code]

Thanks, I’ll have a look.

I've also just encountered an Access Violation when upping the Cartwall EOF warning from 0 to 1: [code]Access violation at address 00799771 in module 'mAirList.exe'. Write of address 00000008[/code]

Sorted out, thanks.