Hi Torben,
I’ve had a quick go with the first build of v3.0 and noticed a few things…
LayoutDesigner - I can’t get the layout window to appear or find a way of moving the GUI Objects. Is the batch file -switch correct to enter designer mode?
Browser - I get an error when adding a preset folder from the Add DropDown on the Browser. The folder (on a Vista machine) is C:\Users\Charlie\Music and I’ve also tried adding a trailing \ and a preceeding + (to include sub-folders) but both produce the following:
[code]Interface not supported
08 October 2008, 11:42:57
Program Version 3.0.0 Build 494
Call stack:
[004030EE] System.System.ErrorAt + $16
[0058A871] BaseBrowserHost.BaseBrowserHost.TBaseBrowserHostForm.HotDirMenuItemClick (Line 319, “GUI\Browser\BaseBrowserHost.pas” + 6) + $40
[00467E17] Menus.Menus.TMenuItem.Click + $A7
[0046931B] Menus.Menus.TMenu.DispatchCommand + $13
[0046A47A] Menus.Menus.TPopupList.WndProc + $82
[0046A3C9] Menus.Menus.TPopupList.MainWndProc + $1D
[0042F418] Classes.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[004904D8] Forms.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $FC
[00490512] Forms.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[00490732] Forms.Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[0079C14E] CoreGUIMainWindows.CoreGUIMainWindows.TBaseMainWindow.DoRun (Line 103, “CoreGUIMainWindows.pas” + 44) + $7
[0079C234] CoreGUIMainWindows.CoreGUIMainWindows.TmAirListMainWindow.Run (Line 123, “CoreGUIMainWindows.pas” + 1) + $5
[0098EA51] mAirList.mAirList.MainWindow (Line 98, “C:\projects\mAirList\trunk\mAirList.dpr” + 19) + $6
(005985EE) [009995EE][/code]
Browser Renaming - “friendly” names are no longer stored inside MLD or MLT files ;( I’d expect most people to prefer “Music” than a long folder name.
Browser Columns - When adding a single folder, you are given Size, Type and Modified columns - how can we alter these (ie: get rid!)?
Playlist Backtiming Display - I have no Backtiming durations until the 4th item. A co-incidence that I have the Playlist set to store 3 items in the History ?! (later) Hmmm, maybe not as I upped it to 5 and got the same error 1st 3 items all show 00:00:00 regardless of file type, colour or length.
I’ve added a couple of folders to mAirListDB and it seems to be working, going to have a further play later.
Finally, I sent you an e-mail as requested for an updated licence.ini and I received a mail back but the file was exactly the same as my current INI - as a result, v3.0 is running in “trial mode”.