V3.0.10 b642 PFL/Tag dialog: cue point marker time display

I note that the (main) PFL and Player and the PFL Player in mAirListTag (which I know are the same object :wink: ) now show the Elapsed, Remain, and all Cue Point and Alternative Cue Point times in the format h:nn:ss.zz.

Two problems with this:

  1. The thousandth-of-a-second digit is not included, but it is included in the Cue Point times shown in both the Alternative Cue Point list in the PFL tab, and in the list in the Cue Points tab. This is inconsistent, and since it is not possible to set a Cue Point to one-thousandth of a second accuracy (only to one-hundredth of a second), it seems wrong to show the thousandth-of-a-second digit in both those places. As an aside, the values should only contain values accurate to one-hundredth of a second IMHO, and should be truncated.

  2. The new ‘longer’ time display (including an hours digit and another : character) means that the list of ‘main’ Cue Point values in the PFL Player are truncated and end in Something like: 0:00:3… This is with Cue Category Colours switched OFF, incidentally. It is therefore impossible to see the complete value without clicking it to make that Cue Point the one displayed in the right-hand side of the dialog.

So I think that:

a) all Cue Point and Alternative Cue Point Marker times should be truncated to hundredths and not thousandths, and stored that way in both MMD files and in mAirListDB.

b) the main list of Cue Points in the PFL Player (PFL tab and mAirListTag) needs to be made wider so that the times display correctly.


Thanks for the hints. All displays in the PFL cue dialog are now “h:nn:ss.v”. (“v” means 1/100th second, a new format introduced by mAirList which is not avialable in the default FormatDateTime function - “.zz” doesn’t work in the original function, it would still return 3-digit milliseconds, so I had to introduce my own format character. There’s also “u” for 1/10th second.)

The widths of the cue list columns have been adjusted accordingly.

The MMD/XML output will not be changed. The ordinary user will not care about the internal representation of the data.

By the way, you will notice that on the “Cue Data” tab, there’s still milliseconds. That’s perfectly ok in my opinion, because the information on that tab is a little more “technical”, and there’s also no 1/100th second stepping implied by +/- buttons or the mouse wheel as there is in the PFL cue dialog.

Smashing! And thanks.

I’ll look out for a new snapshot with those changes in it.


Take another look now.

I’m back from my bridge night, so I’ll look very soon. :wink:


MUCH better: thanks! :slight_smile: