v3.0.10 b636 Layout Designer...


When I run Layout Designer I get all the objects sitting on top of each other. When I try to move them using the X & Y co-ordinates, they don’t seem to update/move and the X & Y settings seem to carry through to each object. W & H sometimes changes things, sometimes doesn’t.

When I look in my config directory I see no layout.ini, and when I saved the above, of course it made a mess of my main screen in mAirList so I whacked the new layout.ini and use defaults for now.

So, in designer mode is it a bug or did I miss something?

Thanks, Richard

When you use the Layout Designer for the first time, the items will appear at random positions and with random sizes. This is because in automatic layout mode a “dynamic” positioning method is used, and there is no default coordinates to start with when switching to custom layout mode.

You might want to download one of the various layout.ini files posted by other users as a template to start with.

Thanks. It didn’t appear random but all objects started at 0,0 and I couldn’t move anything. If I entered a new X,Y say on the Cartwall, it didn’t move but the object co-ordinates seemed to imply it was moved :slight_smile: I’ll play some more.

Ah, just discovered if I use the up/down buttons on the Pos/Size it works, but manually entering a number and tabbing out of it doesn’t. I can enter a new number then use the up/down and it will kick in. Aha.

When you enter the number manually, you have to press Return to confirm your input.

Fair enough. I didn’t hit return in case it saved it but the Save button isn’t shown as default when I look closely. Thanks