v2.1.43 b486 no Auto Determine Cue points?

Hello Torben,

I installed the latest version and snap (v2.1.43 b486) and the auto determine cue points isn’t working, or am I missing a ‘new’ setting? All software is clean installed on this comp.

On a other computer mAirList crashed (computer reboots) when I try to PFL a track from the playlist (v2.1.43 b484)… with no error report (oke, on this case I don’t trust this computer).

??? Vincent.

Hm, no problem here on my machine. Can anybody confirm this.

Does auto cue work when you hold Shift while clicking SET in the PFL dialog?


Yes it does.

How do you import the files? By drag & drop from the browser into the playlist? If so, what kind of browser?

I’m importing the hourly playlist with the ‘load next hour’ script.

Ohw… I think, only the first track of the imported playlist is correct (don’t know for sure because I’m not in front of the system now).


Sorry, didn’t try drag & drop

What the format of the playlist? M3U?

:-[ Next time I’ll give you all the information

Yes it is M3U

Hmmmm I also have inserted an command (start recording). Maybe that created the error?

Can you please try whether it works with drag&drop and compare the behavior?

  1. Drag a single file into the playlist and see if it gets auto-cued.

  2. Create an M3U playlist with only this file and load this playlist.

  3. Create another M3U playlist with the some more files added before that file.

[quote=“Torben, post:9, topic:4755”]Can you please try whether it works with drag&drop and compare the behavior?

  1. Drag a single file into the playlist and see if it gets auto-cued.

  2. Create an M3U playlist with only this file and load this playlist.

  3. Create another M3U playlist with the some more files added before that file.[/quote]

I’ll look for it this evening (~20:00uhr)

[quote=“Torben, post:9, topic:4755”]Can you please try whether it works with drag&drop and compare the behavior?

  1. Drag a single file into the playlist and see if it gets auto-cued.[/quote]
    Insert/xx.mp3 No auto-cue settings
2. Create an M3U playlist with only this file and load this playlist.
Saved the above as test.m3u Load/test.m3u No auto-cue settings
3. Create another M3U playlist with the some more files added [b]before[/b] that file.
Saved the above as test_2.m3u Load/test_2.m3u No auto-cue settings

From config/mAirList.ini



At least I downgraded to 2.1.42 b461 and all is working fine… also the last build of 2.1.42 was ok :-\ Don’t have that one now.



The [FileImport] section is literally only half the story. Do you have a [General] section in your mairlist.ini—probably the first section in the file? Mine looks like this:

[General] PlaylistCount=2 Locale= CueInThreshold=-207.94 FadeOutThreshold=-35.00 CueOutThreshold=-207.94

If those (dB) Threshold values are not set, mAirList will not automatically set the cue points. (Incidentally, which values do other people use for these? I find that the ones above work very well!)

I am using v2.1.43 b486 here and the automatic cue points work AOK. During the time a file is being auto-cued, you should (briefly!) see a small dialog box centred on the main mAirList window, with a title bar which reads Preparing file ….

I hope this helps you solve your problem.


[quote=“Cad, post:12, topic:4755”]If those (dB) Threshold values are not set, mAirList will not automatically set the cue points. (Incidentally, which values do other people use for these? I find that the ones above work very well!)


Hello CAD,
These settings are present in the mAirList.ini :

[General] PlaylistCount=2 Locale=nl CueInThreshold=-207,94 FadeOutThreshold=-12,00 CueOutThreshold=-207,94

It’s very strange that it works ok with version 2.1.42 b*** and not with 2.1.43 b484

And I don’t see a “Preparing file dialog box” (it is only a small playlist).


You’ve got commas instead of full-stops in the dB settings :slight_smile:

Umm … that is normal in European mainland countries, and because locale=nl (Goedemiddag, Vincent! :wink: ) I expect that Vincent’s Windows Regional Settings (Nederlands? :wink: ) specify , as the decimal separator and . as the ‘thousands’ separator—the exact opposite of the standard for USA and UK. So to sum up, Charlie, that is a red herring. :slight_smile:

The non-appearance of the ‘Preparing file …’ dialog is more puzzling, because here, that dialog appears for every file dragged from Windows Explorer (or a mAirList Browser Directory pane) and dropped on to the Playlist! It doesn’t matter whether or not the file has previously been tagged with cue points: the dialog is (ik denk) informing you that mAirList is trying to load the corresponding MMD file, so the dialog should always be displayed when a file is added to a Playlist.

Vincent: have you tried this with build 486 installed, which is the mAirList.exe currently in the Snapshot download directory?

[later] Oops! Looks like you have tried this. :frowning: I admit I’m stumped by this one. ???


The dialog appears everytime a file is imported into the playlist, and its tags, MMD file or auto-cue values are loaded. When auto-cue is disabled, and you only import a single file, the dialog might disappear again in the same moment, because the operation finishes so fast. I introduced the dialog because I thought it was good to have a feedback when performing lengthy file imports, just like dropping hundreds of files into the playlist with auto-cue enabled.

In the German forum, other people have reported strange errors related to BASS.DLL, only ocurring in v.43 but not in the previous snapshot. This misterious auto-cue bug might also be related to BASS.DLL. In between snapshot 484 and v.43, I have changed the way in which several internal components are initialized, including the interface to BASS.DLL. However, these changes are not relevant for version 2.1 (but only for v3.0, which I have started to prepare - more details to follow). I will undo a these changes and prepare a new snapshot based on .v42-484, plus the bug fixes since then (yes, Cad, also stop logging). Let’s see if that helps.

I was careful when I copied mAirList.exe (from the ZIPfile) into my (dev) mAirList program directory, to also copy all the BASS DLLs in the ZIPfile, just in case they were updated or different versions from the existing BASS DLLs in my (dev) mAirList program directory.

Could that be a possible reason for the BASS problems the German forum users are seeing? b486 is working 100% fine here.


I’d rather say it’s related to the initialization changes.

I have now uploaded Build 487. As mentioned above, this is v.42 Build 484 plus all bug fixes since then. No other internal changes. Please give it a try.

And by the way, as I mentioned mAirList 3.0, here’s a little information about it:

It will be released very soon, but still in development status. It will have roughly the same feature set and interface as mAirList 2.1, but with massive changes in the internal structures, code cleanup etc. I figured that these changes are necessary in order to prepare the forthcoming stable release, which will be mAirList 3.1.

I will continue to provide bug fixes for v2.1 until v3.0.0 is out. Thereafter, I will concentrate on adding the final “urgent” features and fixing the remaining bugs in v3.0, and then release v3.1. I think it time is due for a new stable release.

YES! it’s working correct again… [ 2.1.43 b487 ]

The dialog appears every time a file is imported into the playlist, and its tags, MMD file or auto-cue values are loaded.
Checked it: only by drag&drop i see the dialog, not @ loading a playlist as I referred to :-0
And by the way, as I mentioned mAirList 3.0, here's a little information about it:
Can we upgrade 2.1 to 3.1 or do we need to make a clean install?