It has been a while since i have posted but here goes…
We have a recurring problem that when people load music from their memory stick to the player and then remove the track whilst it is playing mairlist will crash entirely, is there a way to stop this from happening without banning the use of memory sticks. sometimes we have found if the memory stick is knocked slightly it will crash so solving this would be awesome. possibly a way of caching the file so it plays the whole thing or maybe when a track suddenly disappears it will just skip into the next song.
Its not so good to use USBstick for music files or anykind of sourcefiles. Better to transfer everything to your computer and play that file from that folder.
Would it be so hard to use USB in that way to have a reliable playout?
I am aware of this fact but it is not something that seems likely to change in the foreseeable future due to the nature of the station. Obviously it is something I suggested but like I say it is unlikely to change. I was more wondering if there was anyway to get it to cache the file so it does not just stop working, which really throws the presenters most of whom have a 1 hour show once a week for a couple of months in the year.