I have a really urgent problem.

Mairlist has started playing up, i can have either or with the playlist and players or the cartwall.

if when mairlist loads the first piece of audio i play comes off the cartwall, that plays fine, but then the playlist and players won’t work.

If when it loads the first piece of audio i play is done from the playlist and players that works but then the cartwall wont.

It seems to be either/or.

I have a delta 1010lt soundcard and am using seperate channels for each player.

i remember having a similar problem before and it was something to do with filemanagement in mairlist.ini and if i delete that bit it was fine, tried that and it didnt work.

i also tried unticking in each player the box that says about filemanagement and that made things worse - tracks started stuttering when stopping etc.

I need to be on air at 12.30 today (british time). i will post the mairlist.ini in a minute, just wondered if you had any initial ideas.

many thanks

[General] PlaylistCount=1 Locale= CueInThreshold=-9.88 FadeOutThreshold=-6.71 CueOutThreshold=-10.98 [Playlist0] PlayerCount=2 MaxHistoryCount=3 FontName=MS Sans Serif FontSize=16 FontStyle=0 AllowAutomation=on AutomationSinglePlayer=off CleanUpHistory=on CleanUpHistoryTop=on DontSaveHistory=off CleanUpNonPlayables=off SaveEvents=off UseRecycleBin=on HandleFixedTime=on LiveBacktiming=off ColumnHeaders=on ExtendedViewMode=on SwapArtistTitle=off Backtiming=off ShowPosition=on RampOverlay=off EOFWarningOverlay=off CommentButtons=on Comments=off Icons=on IconClickPFL=on PlayerColors=on PlayerName=on AlwaysShowDuration=off AlwaysShowRamp=off TimeInSeconds=on RampInSeconds=on TruncateTime=on TruncateTimeTwoDigit=off ScrollIntoView=on SpacebarAutomationNext=on EscapeAutomationBreak=off EscapeAutomationStop=off FixedItemColors=off ControlBar=off SeparateAutomationButtons=off GraphicButtons=on ToolbarBottom=off AutomationFlash=on ProgressBar=off RampProgressBar=off SplitProgressBar=off BacktimingPrefixFixed="= " BacktimingPrefixFixedSoft="~ " BacktimingPrefixAbsolute="" BacktimingPrefixRelative="+ " NearestRamp=off BreakDuration=on ShowEvents=off ShowDuration=on ProgressBarNearestRamp=off [Player0_0] Name=A Color=255 Device=BASS1044100 PFLDevice=BASS1044100 EOFWarning=10 DisplayMode=remain AutoLoad=on AutoLoadOnDemand=off AutoLoadSingle=off AutoLoadSpecial=off AutoUnloadSTOP=on AutoUnloadEOF=on AutoStopOnEOF=on AutoReleasePause=on AutoPFLOff=off AutoFadeOut=off UseInAutomation=on HistoryOnClose=on Logging=on DatabaseLogging=on ShoutcastLogging=on IndependentPFL=off IndependentPFLEndMon=on TimeInSeconds=on RampInSeconds=off TruncateTime=off AdvancedPFL=on PFLSaveButtons=off ClickStart=off FlashEOFWarning=on ShowRampWhenIdle=off NoButtonsInAutomation=on ShowPFLButton=on ShowStopButton=off ShowPauseButton=off ShowStartButton=off ShowCloseButton=off ProgressBar=on RampProgressBar=on SplitProgressBar=on AutoStopPFL=off HistoryOnCloseLoaded=off PFLOutputPlayback=off LoopAudio=off HookMode=off SwapArtistTitle=off CueCategoryColors=on ExpandCueCategories=off SimpleCueList=off CueInSeconds=on CueMode=on CueAlternatives=off ShowLoopButton=off ShowHookButton=off ShowFadeOutButton=off ProgressBarNearestRamp=off ClickCommand=None [Player0_1] Name=B Color=16711680 Device=BASS1044100 PFLDevice=BASS1044100 EOFWarning=10 DisplayMode=remain AutoLoad=on AutoLoadOnDemand=off AutoLoadSingle=off AutoLoadSpecial=off AutoUnloadSTOP=on AutoUnloadEOF=on AutoStopOnEOF=on AutoReleasePause=on AutoPFLOff=off AutoFadeOut=off UseInAutomation=on HistoryOnClose=on Logging=on DatabaseLogging=on ShoutcastLogging=on IndependentPFL=off IndependentPFLEndMon=on TimeInSeconds=on RampInSeconds=off TruncateTime=off AdvancedPFL=on PFLSaveButtons=off ClickStart=off FlashEOFWarning=on ShowRampWhenIdle=off NoButtonsInAutomation=on ShowPFLButton=on ShowStopButton=off ShowPauseButton=off ShowStartButton=off ShowCloseButton=off ProgressBar=on RampProgressBar=on SplitProgressBar=on AutoStopPFL=off HistoryOnCloseLoaded=off PFLOutputPlayback=off LoopAudio=off HookMode=off SwapArtistTitle=off CueCategoryColors=on ExpandCueCategories=off SimpleCueList=off CueInSeconds=on CueMode=on CueAlternatives=off ShowLoopButton=off ShowHookButton=off ShowFadeOutButton=off ProgressBarNearestRamp=off ClickCommand=None [ExtraPFL] Device=BASS1044100 DisplayMode=remain Color=255 EOFWarning=0 TimeInSeconds=on RampInSeconds=off TruncateTime=on ProgressBar=on RampProgressBar=on SplitProgressBar=on SwapArtistTitle=off CueCategoryColors=on ExpandCueCategories=off SimpleCueList=off CueInSeconds=on CueMode=on CueAlternatives=off ProgressBarNearestRamp=off [LogDatabase] Enabled=off Protocol= Host= Database= User= Password= StartCommand= StopCommand= [Options] Monitor=1 FadeOutDuration=2500 EndMonDuration=10000 ExtraFileExtensions= MMDFolder= MemoryFileLimit=0 PriorityClass=1 StartNextEffectiveEnd=off FadeOutEffectiveEnd=on OnlyOneInstance=off SplashScreen=off [BASS.DLL] PlaybackBuffer=500 NetworkBuffer=5000 NetworkPreBuffer=75 UpdatePeriod=100 ForceMultichannel1=off ForceMultichannel2=off DriverOptions=39791 ForceMultichannel3=off IgnoreSpeakers1=off IgnoreSpeakers2=off IgnoreSpeakers3=off ForceMultichannel4=off ForceMultichannel5=off ForceMultichannel6=off IgnoreSpeakers4=off IgnoreSpeakers5=off IgnoreSpeakers6=off [Engine] StartOnAir=on NoLoggingOffAir=on UseRecycleBin=on [FileImport] AutoCueIn=on AutoFadeOut=on AutoCueOut=on ImportComment=on ImportTags=on MP2OutroAsFadeOut=off TildeAsStartNext=off TildeAsOutro=off TildeAsFadeOut=on StripWhitespace=on [MainWindow] Maximized=on RememberPosition=off AutoHideProgressBar=off ProgressBarIgnoreCartwall=on StatusBar=on SaveConfirmation=on MinimizeToTray=off mfoTrayStatusMessages=off mfoOpenSavePlaylist=off [ProgressBar] ProgressBar=on RampProgressBar=on SplitProgressBar=off UpdateInterval=100 ProgressBarNearestRamp=off [MIDI] Enabled=off [Remote] Enabled=off Port=9300 Password= [ScreenObjects] Clock=off LEDClock=on Date=off HourCountdown=off RampCountdown=off Logo=off OnAirStatus=off OnAirSwitch=on LogoFilename= [Browser] SaveWithDesktop=off SaveWithTemplate=on KeepOpen=on AlwaysShowRecycleBin=on OldStyle=on ResizablePanes=off [SerialRemote] Enabled=off Port=1 BaudRate=38400 ByteSize=8 Parity=N StopBits=1 RxBuffer=1024 TxBuffer=1024 [EnabledFeatures] ExtraPFL=on Properties=on SaveToTag=on SaveToMMD=on SaveToDatabase=on Mixdown=on UserDefinedProperties=on [Audimark] Enabled=off User= Password= RadioID= Hash= [Logging] Enabled=off Logfile=%Y-%M-%D.LOG Format=%h:%m:%s%tstarte%t%3 EndLogging=off EndLogfile=%Y-%M-%D.LOG EndFormat=%h:%m:%s%tstoppe%t%3 Shoutcast=off ShoutcastURL=http://host:port/admin.cgi?pass=secret&mode=updinfo&song=$$$DATA$$$ ShoutcastFormat=%a - %b [SAS] Enabled=off Port=1 BaudRate=38400 ByteSize=8 Parity=N StopBits=1 RxBuffer=1024 TxBuffer=1024 [Repository] HookOpener= HookSweeper= HookCloser= [Cartwall] Enabled=on OwnWindow=off PlayerCountX=10 PlayerCountY=1 EOFWarning=5 DefaultSet=C:\TG LIBRARY\Jingles\JERSEY.mlc SaveWithDesktop=off SaveWithTemplate=on KeepOpen=on Logging=on DatabaseLogging=on ShoutcastLogging=on IndependentPFL=off IndependentPFLEndMon=off AutoPFLOff=off AutoFadeOut=off Toolbar=on VisibleAtStartup=on AlwaysShowButton=on StandaloneStretch=off Maximized=off OpenAtStartup=on AlwaysOnTop=off RememberPosition=off TimeInSeconds=on RampInSeconds=off TruncateTime=off AdvancedPFL=on PFLSaveButtons=off FlashEOFWarning=on ShowRampWhenIdle=off SwapArtistTitle=on CueCategoryColors=on ExpandCueCategories=off SimpleCueList=off CueInSeconds=on CueMode=on CueAlternatives=off ShowStartButton=off ShowStopButton=off ShowPauseButton=off ShowCloseButton=off ShowPFLButton=off ShowLoopButton=off ShowHookButton=off ShowFadeOutButton=off ProgressBar=off RampProgressBar=off SplitProgressBar=off ProgressBarNearestRamp=off DisplayMode=remain ClickCommand=StartStop Favorite0=C:\TG LIBRARY\Jingles\JERSEY.mlc Favorite1=C:\TG LIBRARY\Jingles\berks.mlc Favorite2=C:\TG LIBRARY\Jingles\GG.mlc Favorite3=C:\TG LIBRARY\Jingles\OXFORD.mlc Favorite4=C:\TG LIBRARY\Jingles\GSY.mlc [ActionScripts] Item0=C:\Program Files\mAirList\mAirListAdd.exe

Nothing immediately obvious, but you have several pointless entries in your mairlist.ini (ones that are now stored elsewhere)

I feel that these settings are too “keen” - Try: -25, -12 and -60 (i doubt -10.98 gives songs much of a chance to fade-out!) respectively

[General] CueInThreshold=-9.88 FadeOutThreshold=-6.71 CueOutThreshold=-10.98

Devices are handled in device.ini - so these can go:




The following sections can be removed:

[LogDatabase] [MIDI] [ScreenObjects] [SerialRemote] [Logging] [SAS]

The most obvious thing to ask is, have you done anything to your config since it last worked ?!

I was out for luch, so I couldn’t reply any ealier either. As Charlied already pointed out, we need to see your devices.ini file.

The Delta cards are known to have some strange problems, especially the 1010. Do a forum search and you’ll know what I mean. For example, there’s this thread from August pointing out an option in the M-Audio control panel which might cure this problem: http://forum.mairlist.com/index.php/topic,3071.0.html

certainly a few things to look at and to try out.

thanks for your replies on this one. at the moment i have put a new computer in with mairlsit on as a temporary measure.

The main problem we are having is that on loading it takes ages for the soundcard to “wake up”. basically you press play, it looks like its playing but doesnt and the countdown doesnt countdown…

The way i overcame the problem is by going into the config and where you set the soundcard, continuously pressing the test button and that brings it to life after a few secs, then all is fine.

Its incredibly strange, but will continue to look into it. thanks for all the help/advice…

Same sort of thing here with a Delta 1010 - I normally load the scheduled playlist, put it to Off-Air, hit play for each player, stop all players and recycle those items in the playlist.

A little strange, but for the few times mAirList does need to be started…