Today's free gift: 'Teleprompter' applet

A couple of years ago, I wrote a Web-browser-based ‘prompter’ program which several presenters have told me they’ve found useful for rehearsing a script for ads. etc, and also for ‘practice’ newsreading and even on-air ‘reads.’

(full-size screenshot here:

Needless (?) to say, the ZIPfile includes a little manual, though you can dive straight in by running one of the HTA files; I’d recommend you try the MINI Prompter first (the alternative VIDEO Prompter can ‘mirror’ text and was designed as a ‘poor man’s Autocue’).

“What’s an HTA file, Cad?” I hear you ask. HTA = HTML Application, a little-known variant of an HTML file. Simply put, it’s a mini-application written in a scripting language, which uses HTML to create and display its window, and all contained in a single plain text file. Hence Prompter is about 18KB (yes, that’s right, KB!) in size and can thus be stored on diskette or anything more capacious, and will run on any non-Stone-Age copy of Internet Explorer on any PC. I’ve never tried Prompter on ‘other’ web browsers, but it will probably work on those too, or be easily changed to do so.

So if you or your presenters or newsreaders want a ‘teleprompter’ program like you see those TV presenters use, here you are! I hope you find it useful.

CAD (20.5 KB)

Cheers Cad, another for the toolkit.

Very few of such prompters about (for free). This is only the third I can recall.

Here’s another freebie for the newsroom:

Anyone else with some goodies other than Audacity :wink:

Kind regards Tony

Update to this:

The Manual Works Prompter is now available from