Title Separation

Hello I would like to know how to configure Mairlist for the separations of Titles so that a title is not played at the same time the next day example if the title of GAYLE ABCDEFU is played on Monday at 8:10 am I do not want it to be played on Tuesday at 8:10 a.m.

In order to avoid that you will have to put more or less songs in the folder where that song is in. Or you can program more or less occurances of that folder in your playlists. It’s all about mathematics.

Thank you, @CROOZEmaster. :sunglasses:

So true… well, I’m not a mathematician at all, but it has a lot to do with logic. :nerd_face:

Let’s assume, an average playlist in automation contains 18 titles.
This is in 24 hours 18 * 24 = 432 titles minimum. So you should have a) more titles available in the folders mAirList picks from and b) especially variety in these folders.
By example, if you have Billy Joel in your database with “Greatest Hits I&II” and “Greatest Hits III”, you have 38 titles from Billy Joel. The Mini Scheduler will take this into account while calculating your playlist. It’s the same with other artists. It will have influence on your playlist.

First, it depends on the settings of the Mini Scheduler. If you have the impression that a title or artist is played too often (or seldom), you can acitvate the MiniSchedulerLog and figure out, why (and how) a title was picked and others not.

Second, we have no setting called “do not play this title within the next 24 hours”, although that looks like an interesting idea. :thinking:

So it’s not a question of mathematics you have software that has additional programming options such as Music Master for example. Many FM radios rotate with 50 titles and add additional rotation rules such as not programming this title at the same time the next day but allowing the title to be placed 30 minutes before or after the passage of the title the day before.

… can be used with mAirList Professional Studio without any problems (Nexus as additional Add-On). :slightly_smiling_face: