Time Schedule hard cut

So, to schedule something at certain time, like hourly news, we set the call for the file at X o’clock, is there a way to grace period this?

like rather than cut a track at 0200, if it is going to finish at 0200 and 25 seconds, wait until it finishes rather than hard dump playing track right on 0200:00 and then play the called file (in our case news file) ?

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Use a soft-fixed time for the News instead of a hard-fixed time: the song will play until the end, than the News will start.

I’ll need to get my managers authority before that happens :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’ll re-look for/at that when I get back in in the morning.

OK, I looked over the event adder, there seems to be no option for this? (version 5?) only times to add and recurrence etc, unless I’ve gone blind I see no way to have the event as soft timed?

Edited: I see, I assume your talking about using mairlistDB which seems to have such ability, we don’t/can’t use that, which is why we do our events from the “event” add …

So it seems what we like to do is not possible with mairlist

In V5 and V6 You have to change your musictemplate, somewhat like the screenshot attached. In V4 it is possible too but I can’t give you a screenshot anymore.


May be just use insert file instead of play file in the event?

Thanks, will try that out in the morning, stations only automated from midnight to 6am, otherwise announcers just add in at present manually jingle + newsfile, I guess if your suggestion works, its the same thing as “soft time play”.
Let you know how it goes

After a week or so, this works a treat, thanks!
I have another Q but that for another thread.