Thread: mAirList v7.0 Beta (public)

Dear mAirList community,

version 7.0 Beta (Build 5000) has been released.

You are welcome to become a beta tester of the new version.

Since version 7.0 installs itself in a new directory, the productive v6.3.18 (new, too!) remains and can be used for your broadcasts while you test the new version independently.

Please use a 30 day trial license for testing.

:warning: The database scheme has changed. Please backup your database before starting the configuration.
A security backup will be done while the first configuration, but it’s still a beta relase and we ask you to be careful.

If you find bugs or one of the new features should not work as expected: please write it here in this collective thread.
Questions about the new realease are also welcome.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.
Have fun testing the new version!

Version 7.0-beta Build 5000 (2022-02-04)

Important changes:

[*] Redesigned playlist GUI
[*] WASAPI is now the default audio output method
[*] DirectSound is still supported but only in "application level mixing" mode
    with higher latency
[*] Layout Designer: Screen Objects are now using IDs that indicate their type
[*] DB: Scheduler: Attribute filters starting with ~ will now be regarded
    as regular expressions

New features:

[+] Built-in Dark Mode
[+] Live skin editing
[+] Redesigned Audio Routing configuration with improved identification/testing
    and built-in repair function when device IDs change after Windows update
[+] Built-in sine wave and pink noise generator; use Stream playlist items,
    enter URL as "sine:<freq>[,level[,samplerate]]" or "pink:[level]"
[+] Redesigned System Log with automatic archiving function and built-in viewer
[+] DB: Unified configuration interface for all network/SQL databases
[+] DB: Built-in user and group management for local and SQL databases;
    no longer uses SQL roles for user management. Default login is the "admin"
    user with password "admin" which can be changed in the database connection
    properties. Additional users/groups are managed from the DB app ->
    Administration menu. DBServer application does not have a user database
    of its own anymore but uses the one from the database.
[+] DB: New "Inbox" button in DB app, will check a configurable folder for
    new audio files, then import and delete them.
[+] DB: Advertising: Ability to specify manual blocks (by date/hour/block)
    for campaigns, in addition to the weekly schedule
[+] WASAPI: New "Windows Default Device" setting; will automatically follow
    when you switch to a different device in Windows sound settings
[+] WASAPI: Automatic recovery when devices are disconnected and reconnected
[+] WASAPI: Newly connected devices can be used without restarting the software
[+] DB: New "Auto-Repair" function in storage sync dialog
[+] DB: Transitions: "Artist must match" option (used to schedule Station IDs)
[+] New item type: Automatic File Container
[+] New screen object: Web Browser (requires Edge and WebView2 runtimes)
[+] Sound processing can now be used on soundcard output/input level
[+] REST Logging injection
[+] REST Remote can use mAirListDB user database for authentication
[+] File encoding: Added "Custom (32-bit)" option, $SAMPLERATE and $CHANNELS
    parameters for custom encoders

Discontinued features:

[*] DHD Series52 Remote: Removed XP5 support, DHD console is now channel-based
[*] Removed On-The-Fly database
[*] Removed Window Message Client remote control

Other changes:

[*] Redesigned progress dialogs
[*] Various GUI fixups and improvements
[*] ASIO: Simplified input/output channel configuration
[*] Updated BASSmix to
[*] Updated Virtual Treeview to 7.6.1
[*] Re-implemented IOWarrior remote control based on hidapi.dll
[*] Re-implemented Ember+ Consumer remote control
[*] DB: Optimized SQL queries
[*] DB: Database schema updated to 25
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Hi Uli,

I am starting to test the beta version 7.
I have a problem connecting via mairlistDB (internet client)
Maybe because the database server I’m trying to connect to is on version 6.3?

See you

The first impression on v7.0 looks great!!
I do love some features already (like the new advertising view), even without testing.

I am testing the 7.0 version as well and like Matthieudreaft, I am not able to get my database online using the DBserver. I guess it has to do with the user groups and roles, so I am testing with an local database for now and sort that out later once I will switch to the firt release of v7.
It seems that the user and role groups ar now easier to use and this will be a great feature this way!

Just I do have a question about what the Automatic File Container is been created for. Instead of adding an item we should add an source folder? Just wondering what makes this container usefull. hope you can explain?

Also I wonder what the ‘Inbox’ button in the database will be doing. I have added some storages and I was thinking that the inbox would be sort of the already excisting ‘synchronise’ button. But i wonder how the ‘inbox’ button will be activated. and most important question… in your description you say the ‘Inbox’ button will check a configurable folder for new audio files, then import and delete them.
Will the folder be deleted or will the track been moved and then the original items will be deleted?
How is this function been tought to work out?

And like I mentioned before, the way the usergroups and Roles are now implemented are so much easier. Only thing I noticed that it isn’t possible to add a user to a usergroup. So what is the difference between a user and a usergroup. When thinking logical, you would say you can create usergroups and then add a user to a user group. At this moment it is only possible to add a user level to a user.

These are my first questions about this new release. As I said. the first impression is great and I love testing the software. Hope soon it will be possible to connect to the DB server of v6.3 so testing can be even more precise.

Keep up the good work guys!

Maybe the answer is here

When first started all the screen elements were gone .
The background off the empty playlist is white (there is a empty background in skin)
looks like half the skin doesn’t work.
Year is gone.
in 7 the cartwall is this

And this is 6.3

Screen objects: There was a change in their names. It’s no longer called ScreenObject0, ScreenObject1 and so on.
Now there are names used like EncoderStatus0 etc.

I will ask Torben if there is a simple solution for that.

Skin: I will check this. Can you send me the code concerning the cartwall here?

Were it possible to view actually the object’s names in the Layout Editor? I use a setup with some 60+ static texts in it. It is almost impossible to refer to a specific item for correct placing etc.

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There is just open the layout designer and place them back .

The chances in ignored skin parts is (I think) more work and I think that it teaks more as 30 days of testing.
At first i didn’t realize it but I have the playlist at extended display and I cant get that back.
You now see big columns with little info and uses up space.

the cartwall skin


Don’t worry about the 30 days. We are thinking about another method and will keep you informed about it.

Torben is testing if there is the possibility of “translating” the layout.ini, please wait.

Skin: I wil test it later, one moment please.

Removed the complete skin (of 6.3) made everything like a fresh install
Even then cartwall had no title artist there is only duration and cart number.
config says show artist (see screenshot)

When I setup my v6.3 with the skin.ini code out of #8, it looks like this:


It’s not 6.3 that gives a problem .
By the way the buttons on top are not in [Cartwall] but in [CartwallToolbar] and the orange color comes from the field were you give color to items.
The skin has the color tabs from several cartwall pages .

Tested this afternoon with blank pages no skin and artist stil doesn’t show see outher post

The orange color off my jingles comes from tis in the config (because the are jingels :smiley:)

And this screenshot comes from mairlist 7 but everything is being ignored

Yes okay thank you. Will test it.

Found the problem as you can see in your own screenshot my numbers are smaller to create the space in the given box.
On top is the mix editor and thatch from left to right so I cant go higher.
But 7 ignores the height of the number in skin so 16 cart wipes out the text when I do less carts the the text comes back.

Forwarded to Torben for tomorrow.

I have just downloaded the 5003 snapshot and like in my message some earlier, I was doing some testing on the ‘Automatic file container’.

Now when going to the folder in the database wich contains the item, I get this error;

The item dissapeared, and the folder stays empty.

Again I do place the questions I have asked some earlier…

What is the real function of the ‘Automatic file container’? instead of adding tracks wich are used in the database, you have to assign an folder on the pc where the music is taken and placed in line.
I wonder what the toughts are about the creation of this item.

Also I wonder what the ‘Inbox’ button in the database will be doing. I have added some storages and I was thinking that the inbox would be sort of the already excisting ‘synchronise’ button. But i wonder how the ‘inbox’ button will be activated. and most important question… in your description you say the ‘Inbox’ button will check a configurable folder for new audio files, then import and delete them.
Will the folder be deleted or will the track been moved and then the original items will be deleted?
How is this function been tought to work out?

And like I mentioned before, the way the usergroups and roles are now implemented are so much easier. Only thing I noticed that it isn’t possible to add a user to a usergroup. So what is the difference between a user and a usergroup. When thinking logical, you would say you can create usergroups and then add a user to a user group. At this moment it is only possible to add a user level to a user.

Working about the looks is nice, but I hope also the functional parts of this new version will be discussed in here :wink:. As I really look forward testing the new functions of the v7 software.

I have just noticed that the scrollbar in the mix editor isn’t working when zooming in. It is working when clicking next to the scroll bar, but not when sliding the scrollbar using the mouse.

I thought the dark skin would fill up the wite pieces in the skin.ini .
But in dark mode it looks like everything is being ignored.

In normal state (no dark mode) the compete cartwall is wite and the mix editor only show the buttons (the skin )rest is wite (when using own skin)
The waves are green with Grey background but I think that also whiteout skin

I been testing the voicetracking and got this error when trying to save the voicetrack:

I have assigned a wasapi soundcard to the recording device and checked if the same device is shown in the voicetrack input.
No other settings about voicetracking have been changed in the configuration software.
When trying to save the voicetrack, this error apears and after a few moments the ‘application seem to be frozen’ error ocurs.

The voicetrack is recorded and I am able to listen and edit the mixeditor, just the error pops up when trying to save the voicetrack

If nothing is loaded (music jingels ect)
it looks like this

As soon when you load the playlist there comes color.

Some kind of empty state for playlist is missing.
The cartwall shows it grid when the fist cart appears but it doesn’t show the corlor of the item.
And the toolbar of the mix editor stays white except the buttons.

Tested with the latest version at 17:35