Supported external cue point editors?

Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can suggest any other editors for setting cue points that I can then import to mAirList.

As far as I am aware, perfect compatibility involves the software being able to export to a MMD file. I have tried MyLibrary which does this, but couldn’t visualise the waveform so it wasn’t suitable. I’m not sure if any other software supports MMD built-in?

Obviously I can set this data in mAirList but I would like to try external software as I find the editor that’s built-in to be a little fiddly.

The best software I’ve ever used for setting points in general is PlayoutOne’s web interface but obviously that’s expensive and not designed for compatibility with mAirList. But I’m hoping maybe something else aimed at radio track prep exists, that intuitively allows me to set the cues, fades, hooks, etc and then save it for import for mAirList.

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Hi Kati,

there is no software existing yet to change them outside of mAirList.

But maybe you missed some settings that can be activated for a better experience?Like stuttering, re-playing set markers immediately and and only favorite markers instead of all markers…

I need no more than 30-40 seconds per song to control / change the auto-cues and to set ramps, hooks and end markers.

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I agree @Kati calling the built-in editor

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