Stop Break Insert In Automation Command

I’m trying to program my StreamDeck button to insert a stop point in the automation:

However the ‘AUTOMATION 1 BREAK’ command does not do this.

I want this:

With the stop sign. As a visual aid.

How can I do this? What is the command?

Normally you can only do this by going to the INSERT menu at the top of the mAirList program.

*Side Note: Insert Silence also does not work.


Anyone? This seems rather simple… I’m just too dumb to figure it out.

Why don’t you just trigger the AUTOMATION 1 OFF command?

All songs after it would just run EOF until you restart the Automation…


Well, I don’t want it off, just paused, which that stop sign icon indicates, then you just hit play again and it continues. Plus you can use the insert (stop sign icon) as a visual aid when in auto/live assist and you can drop them at various points in the playlist so you know when you should stop/pause to talk or something. Makes it easy and helpful for 2 things at once.

Don’t AUTOMATION 1 OFF and AUTOMATION 1 BREAK do the same in this case? Both sets Assist mode. (One immediately and one just after current item).

Item plays to EOF, then next item must be manually started.

Assume @Tondose has a script up his sleeve that can insert a Break Item after current playing item when AUTOMATION gets updated to OFF or BREAK.

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Yes, but you can’t place multiple stop points in a playlist! As a visual aid! Both those you mention do it, but can only be done one at a time and there is no visual for if it is even there or not! This way, you can place multiple stop points with a visual indicator in the playlist. It makes it SOOO much easier!

First we should be aware of which mode we are talking of: AUTO or ASSIST, as they are two highly different affairs.

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AUTO - For sure!

ASSIST isn’t really needed since the tracks stop after each one played anyway. It would still be cool to do that, but not really necessary.


Okay, and when you would hit that button, at which position in the playlist should the breaker be placed?

Well, I guess wherever you have highlighted a track, or like what happens when you drag a song into the playlist and it makes a highlight line to show you where it will be placed, if you know what I mean? . Same way.

Otherwise at the end of playlist is fine, because then you can always move it to the position you want.

This is what I was afraid of. But impossible, alas, as you cannot access the selected item from within a script (long-time request of mine, but technical reasons impede).

… might be possible, but hey: before you insert an item at the end and bustle around with the mouse to drag it to the desired position, you can easily insert the break via the menu …

I was imagining/assuming that when clicked mid item/song, you would like the break directly after. But maybe I’m too simple?

Yes, this is good. I think we have the same idea.

Tondose, at the end is good enough, at least it’s something easier. the main point being able to assign in to ta a command to be able to use it on StreamDeck button or even program a cart button on a D&R Airlite

procedure OnExecuteCommand(Command:string);
  bi: IBreakPlaylistItem;
  if Command = 'INSERT BREAK' then
    bi := Factory.CreateBreakPlaylistItem;
      CurrentPlaylist.Insert(CurrentPlaylist.GetNextIndex, bi);

Ok, how am I supposed to you this code? Where does it go?

Copy this into a text file with the extension .mls an install it as a background script. Launching the command INSERT BREAK will then trigger the desired action.

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Works like a charm! You’re a magician, Tondose!

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Wow! Cool! I knew you could do it!
Tondose is #1 !!

So just to clarify, when you play this command through a button on the StreamDeck, it does indeed add a Stop Break right after the currently playing song. It does not add it to the bottom or top of the playlist, which is cool!

This is fun!

Mongstaen, what are you using it on/for?

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Hey RedPanda!
Just tested it :slight_smile: We normally link some items, and run in Assist mode.

But fun to see different approaches :slight_smile:

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