Station Playlist Creator cue points

Is there a way to import the cue points as set by Station Playlist Creator into mAirlist?

I don’t know much about the internals of SPL. How does it store the data? Is there a way to export the list of songs as, say, a CSV or text file?

Yup, The cue points (Intro, Segue) are set in APE tags that SPL adds to the files. I wrote a little utility that scans the tags in the file and writes an MMD file.

The released version is here.

It will place the MMD file in the same directory as the MP3 files.

I have updated it to allow MMD’s to be located in one central location but it needs a wee bit of work, which I can’t for a bit as I’m heading off to Blighty for a few days. I believe there is also another approach using a spreadsheet macro somewhere too.

So if the info is stored on an mmd file in the same folder as the mp3’s does this mean that the database gets the info from there? From my understanding the info is only read from mmd files if no data exists in the database.

I haven’t found a way to export the SPC dta as a csv file, but maybe I’ve overlooked the obvious.

The MMD files need to be present when you import the files into mAirListDB in the first place. During the Sync process, mAirList looks for existing MMD files or file tags (just like when you drag the file directly into the playlist), and uses that information to initialize the database entry.

As soon as a file is listed in the database, mAirList does not look at the MMDs anymore.

So the SPLMMD utility will work fine only if you haven’t set up your mAirListDB (or imported the files, respectively) yet.


The process mAirListDB uses when Synchronising (‘adding/importing’) files is exactly the same as when you drag/drop a file into a Playlist (except that the drag/drop will first check whether there is a database entry for the file):

  1. If no database entry exists, or no database is in use, mAirList looks for a matching .mmd file in the same folder (or in the Central Folder for MMD Files, if you have created one).
    If an .mmd file exists, its information is used.

  2. If no .mmd file exists, mAirList looks for its custom mAirList tag* within the audio file.
    If it exists, its information is used.

  3. If no custom tag exists, or the audio file is in a non-tagged format, mAirList imports the file:
    — title is set to the audio file’s name;
    — its duration is determined;
    — native file format tags are read;
    — type is set to the default;
    — if a ~ exists in the filename (Raduga format), it is used to compute FadeOut;
    — Auto Cue is performed (ignoring FadeOut for Raduga files);
    — and the Default Item Type for Imported Files (if any) is assigned.

  4. If no tags exist, mAirList uses the audio file’s name to set artist and title.

(* The tag mAirList writes when you click a Save Tag button in an Item Properties dialog, in mAirListTag, or in in a PFL Player. The tag contains the same XML that would be written to an .mmd file. ;))

Note that there are about a dozen settings in Config, Miscellaneous, File Import which you can use to ‘fine-tune’ the information imported from file names and tags: album art; genre and comments (Import description … setting); ReplayGain (with or without clipping); how to use Raduga format ~ file names; etc.

If you import album art from tags, the image is used as the file’s icon in Playlists. Which, if you like that sort of thing, is pretty cool IMHO. 8)

Hope that makes everything clearer, Mike?

PS to Torben: Yes, I have added the bit about Default Item Type to the manual. :smiley:


Thank you Cad and Torben. Excellent explanation as always.


Hey, i tried out your small tool to create the mmd-files. If i load a folder, then the tool creates only 2 mmd-files from the whole content. All the other files were not going to be analized.

I’m using WIN-7-32.

Is it possible for you to implement the other SPL-Tag-Entrys also in this tool for an import to mairlist?


[quote=“telefin, post:8, topic:7191”]@streamer

Hey, i tried out your small tool to create the mmd-files. If i load a folder, then the tool creates only 2 mmd-files from the whole content. All the other files were not going to be analized.

I’m using WIN-7-32.

Is it possible for you to implement the other SPL-Tag-Entrys also in this tool for an import to mairlist?


When you select the folder in the folder window, double-click it or SPL2MMD thinks it’s looking at the main folder. I do need to change that though. The windows below the buttons will show each file analysed and whether it found APE tags etc.

What other tags are you interested in?

I’ve just upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit (last night) so I still need to re-install my Delphi development stuff (as well as mAirlist again, just waiting to reset my activation). It’ll take a bit of time to sort all that out.

Cheers, Richard

Hi Richard …and Merry X-Mas :slight_smile:

Sorry, I’ve done my best, but i can’t create more than two mmd-files with this tool.

For my test i created a testfolder (without subfolders) and put 20 song in it.

Where is my mistake? ???

For your question:

It would be great, if there’s a way to import all the fields, wich i can create with SPL. Some fields are already available in mairlist. The other have to be created by “Attribute” in mairlist.

Regards, Sven

Hopefully I can change the folder select dialog to a better one later this week. I use SPL2MMD all the time and seems ok.

I really doubt I’ll have time to add the other SPL tags at this stage, not enough hours in the day and a demanding 2 year old… :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“streamer, post:11, topic:7191”]Hopefully I can change the folder select dialog to a better one later this week. I use SPL2MMD all the time and seems ok.

I really doubt I’ll have time to add the other SPL tags at this stage, not enough hours in the day and a demanding 2 year old… :P[/quote]

Hey Richard,

I know, you will done your best :wink:

But by the way i have to thank for programming such tool. :slight_smile: