Start next option


Been looking around but cant find an option for this.

I need mairlist to automatically set the start next point as the fade out point for tracks that havent got a start next point set.

Or rather, not set a time in it, but if it hasnt got one set, to treat the fade out point as start next.

Is this possible?

Many thanks

I don’t think I understand your question.

If an item has a FadeOut point set (but not a StartNext point):

[ul][li]in ASSIST mode, neither point has any effect unless the item is LINKed to the next item, in which case it works the same as in AUTO mode (see below)[/li]
[li]in AUTO mode, the next item will start when the earlier of StartNext or FadeOut occurs: the only difference is the item will NOT fade out at StartNext[/li][/ul]

Could you put your question in a different way?


sorry, yes,

in automation i mean.

Basically, i was doing an event the other day, i needed background music, so i used mairlist to simply play a long playlist. I had the problem though that i ended up with lengthy pauses as it was not starting the next track straight away.

I have got it set so that it auto-determines the fade out point.

By what you have put, does that mean that it should automatically start the next item playing at the previous tracks fade out point, if no start next is displayed?

If this is the case i will have to review my config because i must be missing something out!!

If not then, what i require is that mairlist starts the next item at the fade out point of the previous item, if a start next point isnt set.

Hope that makes it a little bit clearer!!


Check the setting in your Config for Global Fade Duration. Make sure it is set somewhere around 3000 (= 3 seconds).


If the “Auto determine FadeOut point” is set and the slider is set to somewhere between -15 and -10dB, then overlaps should be smooth. “FadeOut” marker is both a StartNext AND a FadeOut marker - the speed of the fade is determined either by (Cad’s suggestion of) the Global Fade setting in the Configuration program, or the Fade Duration as specified in the General Tab of the item’s properties (ExtraPFL) window.

Cad - Just for info, the Global Fade setting doesn’t affect the starting point of the incoming item, it simply defines how long the outgoing item will fade for.

[ponder]Thirdly, is it still possible to define a FadeOut duration based upon the distance from the CueOut, too ?[/ponder]

Yes, and it has highest priority over the two other methods mentioned above (specific and global fade out duration).

I’ve been trying to do a similar thing, but it only automatically determines Cue/Fade points for items that are dragged into mAirList from outside the program, and not for items from the database search/directory browser.

I assume this is because mAirList doesn’t classify them as ‘new’ (which is fair enough), but is there any way to override this, i.e. so that I can tell mAirList to assume everything is ‘new’ unless there’s already PFL data (e.g. MMD) for that file?

No, that’s not possible. Only items imported from Windows Explorer or the directory browsers (which emulate an Explorer Window) are subject to reading MMD files, file tags, determining auto-cue data etc.

What kind of database are you using?

On the fly.

I think what I’m after is a way to give all my tracks a sensible cue in/out and fade point automatically, then all I’d have to do is manually edit these points for a few songs (i.e. where it doesn’t fade smoothly). Could this be an option in a future version of mAirListTag (i.e. mass automatic tagging?)

Perhaps I’m lazy (!) but I only want to use the automation for walk-away operations at the moment, and the automatically-determined points work perfectly well for me (if I drag my files into mAirList from outside, so it may be easier just to keep doing this for now).

If it’s just for a quick walk-away, are you aware that you can chain (the mAirList term is Link) items together in ASSIST mode?

If you click the Link column in your Playlist, a little chain icon (unless you’ve customised it like I have ;)) will appear there. When the marked item finishes (i.e. hits its StartNext, FadeOut, CueOut, or EOF), the next item in the Playlist will play out in the same Player. Think of it as a ‘temporary AUTO mode’ if that helps.

Ideal for toilet breaks or anything else you need to nip out of the studio for, like grabbing that CD you left in the production office, greeting a guest who’s arrived, going outside to smoke a ciggie :o, or whatever!

The Link column is a toggle (i.e. click it again to switch it off) and its current state is saved in Playlist (MLD) files [that IS right, isn’t it, Torben?].

PS: I thought that any ‘new’ Item (one without an MMD file) was subject to auto-determining of CueIn/FadeOut/CueOut (according to Config settings)? This seems to work here, both in mAirListTag and also in mAirList Playlists. Obviously you still need to Save the Metadata for each file afterwards, but that could very, very easily be scripted if, say, you need to auto-mark your 500 new audio files via one humungous Playlist!