standard.mld/.mlt not loading

Hi torben, I’m using 2.1.44 build 490 and have saved both to the mAirList folder and enabled this in the config tool.

When mAirList restarts anything saved does not reload.

Kind Regards tony

Can anybody confirm this? Because on my PC everything seems to be fine.

The file must be named standard.mlt (with a T).

Hi Torben, the capital t fixed this.

I had always used the .mld extension as default.

Kind regards Tony

Remember as well that MLD = desktop and MLT = template.

You can save your ‘baseline’ setup as an MLT and then tweak it and save it as an MLD (if I recall corretly, Torben?). I think that’s the idea?!!

PS: The T in mlT doesn’t need to be capitalised: .mlt works fine! :wink:


Strange this, i definitely saved with a capital t (.mlT), now looking inside the folder its .mlt.

Removing the file and saving with .mld (as was once the case) does not work for me in 2.1.44 build 490, however it works in earlier versions.

Kind regards tony

Yes, that’s the idea. Also, when you open a .mlt file, mAirList does not remember its name (the title bar says “untitled”). This keeps you from overwriting the file accidently.

Just like in Word, where you have .doc and .dot files.