will the source code of mairlist audio logger ever be released to develop your own radio software
tv playout?
where can i find the mairlist studio monitor web version source code Mairlist_StudioMonitor/
be nice to me please
why i was nice all the time delete this pst
Hello @anon9456500,
you are new to this community and forum.
Have you bought mAirList or Audio Logger? I don’t think so, and your first post in this forum is to ask for a source code of a commercial software.
Maybe you haven’t really understood what mAirList (or Audio Logger) is, you haven’t read about our history and the company.
Not the best start, I think.
At the first reaction, a laughter (let’s say, your feauture request was a bit strange), you call for a moderator and at the same time you open a second thread in the Dutch section, called “Kan iemand mijn post verwijderen en account” (Can someone delete my post and account).
Almost 4 hours after you signed in here.
I don’t see an urgent call for a moderator at this time and we will have a look on the whole situation after the weekend.
In the meantime, please cool down.
To the community: Stay calm, please.
Thank you.
i was looking for the source code from the web monitor
www.my-web-page.de thank you mairlist the best
Please see my answer here: Kan iemand mijn post verwijderen en account - #6 by UliNobbe
I think, you have mixed up different things and you should sort them before continuing.
Hello @anon9456500,
please enter your mAirList serial number into your forum profile.
Thank you.
Sorry, didn’t want to offend you. @UliNobbe has made the point: Asking for source codes of commercial software seemed somewhat ridiculous to me.
No problem
Question i see in my script €listenercount=22 is this real time listeners