AH! As Torben so eloquently explained, (and as I said previously) you DO need to be very careful about BASS.DLL. This is precisely why I asked whether you’d reinstated your original mAirList-supplied BASS.DLL.
Torben also makes a good point about the BASS.DLL options in config. So let’s try this:
First, make a backup copy of your current devices.ini file (in mairlist\config directory). We may be about to drastically change its content. Once you have that safely stored ‘somewhere else…’
Open mAirList Configuration and check the device settings for each Player. To do this, expand Playlists, then Playlist n; then click Player n, and in the General tab, Output Devices frame, click the Select… button for the Playback device.
First, WRITE DOWN the current device settings (or take a screenshot or printout) for EACH Player/Cartwall/PFL Player. You can then be SURE of what they were originally!
So, having done that, here’s what to check and if need be, change:
- Set the Driver to WDM/MME hardware mixing.
- Set the Speakers to default.
- In the Options frame:
- Tick Use mAirList’s file management.
Clear all the other Options checkboxes.
Yes, you do have to do this for each Player individually (AND the Cartwall, AND the PFL Player, AND each Playlist Player’s PFL Device, AND the Cartwall’s PFL device).
You may find that some or all of these options are already set that way. You may find that some Players (or the Cartwall, or whatever) are set slightly differently: make sure EVERYthing is set the same way (i.e. as set out above). These are the settings that work here with an on-board Realtek HD chipset on my hp PC, so I hope they will sort out your on-board SoundMax.
IF the above works, you can TRY switching them back (one at a time!) to their previous settings. DON’T change the Driver (hardware mixing) setting! 
Please let us know whether this cures the problem, and if so, which if any of the settings above you needed to change. This will be very useful for us all to know (esp.Torben :D), just in case someone else has a similar problem in future.
Thanks in advance.