Sound randomly stops

Probably an easy fix here, but whenever I have mAriList open for more than 5 minutes the sound suts out, but only in mAirlist… I’ve upgraded sound drivers, and done everything else I can think of (latest snapshot, replaced the BASS.dll file to see if that worked), but nothing works. Any suggestions?


Knowing the following would help us make suggestions:

  1. What is your sound card’s manufacturer and precise model? Or if you use on-motherboard sound, what is the chip set or similar reported as the Device in Control Panel, Sounds and Audio Devices, Audio tab?

  2. Which OS are you using? XP or Vista (or something else)?

  3. Are you running ANY other software as well as mAirList, especially software which might connect to the Internet or otherwise ‘phone home’ at regular or irregular intervals?

  4. Do you have any ‘utilities’ running, like Skype or an IM of any sort?

Let us know, and we’ll try our best to advise you.

As far as the last two are concerned, try shutting down anything else that’s running (one at a time, ideally) and re-running mAirList: you might find there is one particular app or applet which is causing the problem. Don’t forget your System Tray applets as well, especially if you have Hide Inactive Icons set!

Apologies in advance if any of that comes across as ‘teaching granny to suck eggs;’ no offence intended, I simply don’t know how ‘PC techie’ you are. :slight_smile:


thanks for the quick response, let’s see here

  1. (Built-in to mother board) SoundMax Integrated HD Audio
  2. Windows XP SP3
  3. I’ve tried with no software running, and with just internet explorer and it still does it
  4. nope

Thanks again for the fast reply and all the help!


Strange that the issue is only in mAirList as i would have suspected a souncard driver or windows sound applet issue.

Are there any intemittent problems with the windows sound applet? Such that it may disappear on occasion.

Though it seems you have done this, check in system and hardware devices for conflicts on the soundcard driver itself. None? then try re-installing the driver.

Finally for now run a virus scan.

Let us know how you get on.

Kind Regards Tony

Kill IE and try it again. Also, are you SURE there are no ‘update on demand’ apps lurking in your System Tray (like AV program, etc.)? If you have Hide Inactive Icons ticked in your Taskbar Properties, there may be something there that you’re not currently ‘seeing.’

Just a thought!

What happens if you load (say) ten songs into WMP’s Playlist and set it playing? Does it do the same?

Also, check Control Panel, Sound and Audio Devices, Audio tab and make sure you have ticked Use only default devices.

If all the above doesn’t help, make sure that mAirList Config has been set up so that EACH Player is sending its output to the correct audio card: it’s easy to miss one (I know, I’ve done that myself!).

Finally, do the individual Players in mAirList produce audio on your speakers if you start each one manually?


Yet another thing which will be improved in v3.0 :slight_smile:

Alright this is getting really weird.

I did a Windows Update (manual, not automatic) that updated Internet Explorer, and now it only happens after I pause a player in Assist mode. I can have mAirList play for as long as I want to in AUTO or ASSIST, but as soon as I pause a player mAirList stops putting out sound…

Also, when no sound comes from mAirList, I open up media player and I get perfect sound.




You said originally that you’d ‘replaced the bass.dll file.’ Can you (or have you already?) put the originally-supplied BASS.DLL file (from your mAirList install ZIPfile) back again?

It might be that you’ve inadvertently put the wrong version of BASS.DLL in for mAirList to use. BASS.DLL architecture and commands differ between versions, so you need to be SURE you have right one there, or some commands mAirList issues just won’t work! So let’s be certain that is correct before we go any further.


I replaced the file after the sound started having issues, and have not put back the original. This is really an odd little bug.


Not quite the same issue but relates to soundcards.

I installed drivers for a USB card yesterday and also the control software for an audio processor. All worked fine so I went off home. An hour later the call…mAirList although still using the correct soundcard had strangely swapped output channels. Player 1 was using Out B Player 2 Out C Cartwall was using Out ? and Out A was unused.

Fixed with Player 1 Out A etc but annoying none the less, unless of course some-one had been playing (which meant finding the config.bat or changing the devices.ini.

Kind Regards Tony

btw:No internet connection or removeable drives allowed to the playout PC.

I would definitely begin by putting the original supplied-with-mAirList BASS.DLL back. As I said before, if the version of BASS.DLL does not exactly match the one mAirList ‘expects’ to be using, you will have problems. This is because Mr.un4seen (aka author of BASS) has an unfortunate habit of changing the internal interface (even in ‘point’ versions!). Also note that BASS plug-ins/add-ons are HIGHLY version-sensitive and just won’t work with the ‘wrong’ version of BASS.DLL.


Sudden related thought: Do you have the ‘no sound’ problem with ANY audio file, or just specific ones? Are the ‘problem’ files all of the same type/format? (For example: are they all WMAs?) Are you using the same audio files to test each time, or different ones? Does it matter [bv]which[/b] Player you PAUSE, or does the problem occur after you PASUE any of the Players? Further info like that might just provide the ‘light bulb’ we need to nail your problem.

It does seem weird that it only happens after a PAUSE … I’m now wondering whether you might need some of the BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN or similar ‘obscure’ config options to be switched on.


I’m stumped on this one, too… I’ve not used mAirList on XP SP3, only SP2 (and Vista)- without reading the extensive release notes for SP3, I won’t know whats different so won’t speculate. The only time I have experienced any kind of silence is certain bit-rate files on programs that used Windows’ Media Player as a sound system (ie: that other bit of German work called Raduga) but that was silence on play, not mid-way through a track.

Replaced with the original file, still only does it when I pause the players. I does happen when I pause ANY of the players, not just a certain one. And The silence occurs during any song. (I have mp3’s, wav’s, and an ogg.) it does it during them all.

Thanks again.

Silly question and hopefully not being dim or offensive, but is there another player actually playing while one player is paused?

no question is a silly queston… lol, but no there’s not… this is really very odd…


And now, mAirList has started to do the same thing again, play for a little bit, then the sound stops, while I can open up Media Player and still get sound. I’m confused… :frowning:

This kind of bug is usually related to faulty drivers. But as you just updated them (and it’s an ordinary on-board card probably used by many mAirList users), I doubt that. It’s very strange though.

What’s that BASS.DLL you replaced the original one with?

The current version of BASS is 2.4, but as Cad pointed out, mAirList still needs an older one, v2.3, which is not compatible with 2.4.

In the original distribution of BASS 2.3, there are two variants of the DLL: The ordinary one, and an “mp3-free” version which comes without an integrated MP3 decoder but uses the one supplied by Windows Media Player instead to avoid royalty payments to the MP3 patent holders. The latter is the one shipped with mAirList. But you can replace it with the ordinary one to check if the problem is related to the MP3 codec.

BASS 2.3 is not available for download anymore, but I have saved a copy before Ian took it offline. If you need it, just drop me a line.

By the way, may I assume that you have already tried to enable or disable the BASS_* flags in the sound card configuration?

I replaced BASS.dll with another v. 2.3. Could you send me that copy, it never hurts to try something new.

Thanks for the help


AH! As Torben so eloquently explained, (and as I said previously) you DO need to be very careful about BASS.DLL. This is precisely why I asked whether you’d reinstated your original mAirList-supplied BASS.DLL.

Torben also makes a good point about the BASS.DLL options in config. So let’s try this:

First, make a backup copy of your current devices.ini file (in mairlist\config directory). We may be about to drastically change its content. Once you have that safely stored ‘somewhere else…’

Open mAirList Configuration and check the device settings for each Player. To do this, expand Playlists, then Playlist n; then click Player n, and in the General tab, Output Devices frame, click the Select… button for the Playback device.

First, WRITE DOWN the current device settings (or take a screenshot or printout) for EACH Player/Cartwall/PFL Player. You can then be SURE of what they were originally!

So, having done that, here’s what to check and if need be, change:

  1. Set the Driver to WDM/MME hardware mixing.
  2. Set the Speakers to default.
  3. In the Options frame:
    • Tick Use mAirList’s file management.
    • Clear all the other Options checkboxes.

Yes, you do have to do this for each Player individually (AND the Cartwall, AND the PFL Player, AND each Playlist Player’s PFL Device, AND the Cartwall’s PFL device).

You may find that some or all of these options are already set that way. You may find that some Players (or the Cartwall, or whatever) are set slightly differently: make sure EVERYthing is set the same way (i.e. as set out above). These are the settings that work here with an on-board Realtek HD chipset on my hp PC, so I hope they will sort out your on-board SoundMax.

IF the above works, you can TRY switching them back (one at a time!) to their previous settings. DON’T change the Driver (hardware mixing) setting! :wink:

Please let us know whether this cures the problem, and if so, which if any of the settings above you needed to change. This will be very useful for us all to know (esp.Torben :D), just in case someone else has a similar problem in future.

Thanks in advance.


Cad… that’s how the configuration already was… I didn’t change anything.
