Hello, I find the text in the players too big (player name, state, time etc.) i want also to change size for playlist in bddi have looked at the wiki and after multiple attempts not managed to alter the text size in skin’ini
nothing change, i ve done with notepad ++, skin and layout files, maybe i ve forgot to do something

Hello Berthy,

maybe something went wrong while saving your skin.ini and Windows added - unvisible for you - the [tt]*.txt[/tt] behind the filename.
Please check your Windows Explorer if the file name extensions should be shown or not (checkbox). In the past this was was a very popular mistake. :wink:

If you want the mAirList community to check whether something’s wrong in your skin.ini, you can post it’s content here as [tt][ code ][/tt].

Regards, Uli

don you have a skin that i can modify?

He asked the outher way around :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
If you were that good in changing you wouldn’t ask for a skin in the first place.


Lol… ;D ;D ;D

Hey Berthy,

many users have already posted their skin.ini here (I’m one of them too).
The search function will give you many different examples in different threads.

Since each user has different intentions (color, font, size, etc.), it is usually difficult to build your own customization on an existing skin.ini. Some are very long, others are short, because only a few parameters should be adjusted.

Did you already have success with your own settings in the skin.ini?
No problems with the file under Windows as previously suspected?

i just try to understand, i ve changed size wth a skin file, but i don t see the difference when i open mairlist, maybe i ve missed something

Player name NameFontSize=10 is small and NameFontSize=40 is big just adjust the nummer and restart Mairlist





And place them in section [Player0_0] and repeat it for [Player0_1]

I ve got file like this one, but when i change numbers i don t see when i open mairlist,what i should do?
Thanks for help

skin.ini (7.74 KB)

Try the suggestion from Uli and place the player section here so we can see if you did something wrong?

I have downloaded the attached file from Berthy and extracted the [Player] section in a [tt][ code ][/tt]:

[Player] NameFontName=Tahoma NameFontSize=10 NameFontStyle=1 NameFontColor=#FFFFFF FadeNameFontColor=#000000 PlayingNameFontColor=#000000 StateFontName=Tahoma StateFontSize=4 StateFontStyle=1 StateFontColor=#FFFFFF FadeStateFontColor=#000000 PlayingStateFontColor=#000000 TimeFontName=Tahoma TimeFontSize=3 TimeFontStyle=1 TimeFontColor=#FFFFFF FadeTimeFontColor=#000000 PlayingTimeFontColor=#000000 ArtistFontName=Arial ArtistFontSize=1 ArtistFontStyle=1 ArtistFontColor=#FFFFFF FadeArtistFontColor=#000000 PlayingArtistFontColor=#000000 TitleFontName=Arial TitleFontSize=2 TitleFontStyle=1 TitleFontColor=#FFFFFF FadeTitleFontColor=#000000 PlayingTitleFontColor=#000000 ProgressBarHeight=1 ProgressBarBorderColor=#FFFFFF ProgressBarElapsedColor=#50575A ProgressBarRemainColor=#FFFF00 ProgressBarRampColor=#FD0100 ProgressBarElapsedRampColor=#33100A ProgressBarOutroColor=#FF0101 ProgressBarMargin=6 ButtonSize=1 EmptyColor=#A5B6C9 LoadedColor=#000000 PlayingColor=#FFD763 FadeColor=#FFCCFF EOFColor=#FFD763 PFLColor=#FFD763 PausedColor=#FFFFCC ErrorColor=#C71585 FlashEOFColor=#D20000 NextColor=#000000 BorderColor=#000000 PFLButtonActiveColor=#FFFF00 PFLButtonColor=#C0C0C0 PlayButtonActiveColor=#FFFF00 PlayButtonColor=#C0C0C0 StopButtonActiveColor=#D20000 StopButtonColor=#C0C0C0 PlayingTitleFontColor=#000000 PlayingStateFontColor=#000000 PlayingTimeFontColor=#000000 PlayingNameFontColor=#000000 RampPrefix=INTRO:

@Berthy: What do you mean by …

Is it like this one or is it really yours?
Sorry, I’m a bit confused.

I see at lot of sisses with 1 is thats very small.
Try start with 10 that’s also very small and from there make them bigger or smaller (if you have rabbit eyes)

Hey Henk,

I’m still wondering why Berthy can’t see any changes:

The question whether its’s a …


… or a …

[ul][li][tt]ski.ini.txt[/tt] (Windows mistake)[/li][/ul]
… has not been answered to date.

Additionally: I’m not sure if the attached skin.ini as far as the code-snip is really his own file…

Actually, I would like to help in a structured way, but I’m afraid, there is no real “Start button” on this case. ???