Here’s a little something I made for somebody who didn’t want a Browser object (or any complex media library viewers) - Simply attach the script to a Hotkey/Action menu (edit the path to suit the location of the EXE) and you have a simple file viewer than can add single/multiple files to the Playlist/Cartwall 
I’m going to add some buttons with some folder presets later on. (8.85 KB)
Hi Charlie, good idea. Once the presets are ready, can we disable the browser part?
Kind Regards tony
You mean the folder list on the left-hand-side ? I suppose - but my thinking was a few preset buttons for the “root” folder and you may then have sub-folders (particular jingle groups or song genres).
Hi Charlie, sorry perhaps like this:
Define a music folder to appear as in your picture but hide the path.
Also remove the ability to browse drives as in the bottom left of the picture.
All user configurable just like mAirList.
Kind Regards Tony
OK - here’s a little update… The preset buttons are now working. I assume that you’d prefer a “hidden” config option whereby you edit the INI file direct rather than do it within the GUI ? At present you can re-enable the disabled features so I suppose some form of idiot-proofing is required (9.02 KB)
I’ve updated the utility - There’s now an INI option to disable the Config button to keep your presenters from doing damage. You can also specify a Playlist folder, too
Font types/sizes also configurable. If you disable the folder tree - the File window size increases giving you a wider window.
I’ll release the source-code (VB) at some point if anybody wants to have a play… (10.5 KB)
As a little tease, I’m working on a new feature called “XML Mode” where it reads the MMD files and adds additional info such as EndType, Duration, Ramp and Colour etc… I’m sure this kind of view would soon be appearing in the “Feature Requests” forum at some point anyway!

Hi Charlie, this just gets better. I would like to add the option to disable the playlist part (and use the extra screen space for the browser).
Kind Regards tony
Hi all, further to this tool from Charlie here is something just using the mAirList exe itself and the ini files to create a playlist editor/compiler:
If you would like a copy of the ini files I can post them here later. Please remember to run on a seperate instance of mAirList ( the whole installation/zip) or at least backup your config files first.
Kind Regards tony
editbtw the event scheduler appears in the layout but is disabled.There is also a version with a player enabled to preview audio.I’ve said it before but must say it again - the beauty of mairlist its so configurable.

Nice little tool. Put it on our machines today. One comment though…
Would it be possible to be able to add playlists so that you can see all the playlist items rather than it just appearing as one block item on the playlist? Maybe a button on the GUI? (if you get my drift??!)
Chris: You need to hold the CTRL key when dragging an M3U playlist into the main Playlist window - that way, the contents are loaded as single items and not as a container.
I think im missing something here.
Im trying to get the software to launch when i press the F12 key but i just can’t seem to get it to work.
Could you please explain exactly what and where i need to carry out something to get it to work.
Many Thanks
In the shortcut menu (right click the shortcut and select properties) click anywhere inside the box Shortcut Key and then press the F12 key. The none should change to F12 - Apply and Ok.
Now try,the shortcut, I think, will need to be on the desktop or in the program group not inside a folder on the hard drive.
Kind regards Tony
Merry christmas to all :-\
im just a bit confused. what is the shortcut menu or where do i find it. im not entirely sure what you mean.
once i can find the bit you mean i should be fine.
If you already have a shortcut to the playlist adder right click the shortcut and select properties - there’s the menu.
Enter F12 into the box labelled Shortcut Key click Apply and Ok.
No shortcut then we will make one:
Right click anywhere on the monitor screen and select New then Shortcut. Navigate to the playlist adder utilty and select this. Click Next. In the box give the shortcut a friendly name Then click finish.
Now you shold have a shortcut on the desktop. Right click this and select properties. The new window has 5 white input boxes. Click inside the third (shortcut key) and then click F12 or whatever combination you wish.
Click Apply Click OK.
If still stuck PM with a contact number when sat in front of the PC and I will talk you through it.
I have got it all sorted now. I was thinking i was supposed to be creating a shortcut within mairlist, not within windows etc.
thats what was confusing me.
thanks for your help, especially on xmas eve!
Have a gd xmas
Thank you