I am using Notification Scripts which are firing when a Playlist is Empty.
(Hopefully!) simple question: I have two Playlists and the Event fires for both. How can I find out which of the two Playlists is Empty? I can obtain the Playlist object but I then cannot tell whether ‘that’ Playlist is Playlist 1 or Playlist 2. (or 0 and 1 if you prefer ) What I would like to do is to take actions based on which Playlist is Empty.
There must be an easy way to do this but I do not know the Properties/Attributes of the Playlist object!
Am I correct if I say that for a Player notification, you can use the same workaround? In this case:
playerObject := <whatever>.GetPlayer;
sName := playerObject.GetName;
I think it is best if all Notification objects have an easy way to identify the object which caused the Event to fire; this makes scripting very much easier, and much more flexible!
The ntPlayerStart etc. events pass the player object as Interface parameter #0:
n: INotification;
pl: IPlayer;
n := GetNotification;
if (n.GetNotificationType = ntPlayerStart) then begin
pl := n.GetInterface(0);
SystemLog('ntPlayerStart was sent by player ’ + n.GetName);
(not tested)
By the way, I am making some changes to the scripting interface right now, which will affect the way you access playlists and players. However, I will provide a complete language reference (yet without documentation) with the next release.