I was wondering if there is a script availinle to import automaticly new files from the cloud storage. Like the G drive.
To set it to the right folder like presented programmes ?
I hope some one can help me out on this
i am still using 5.3
Goos Mante
Hi Goos,
what type auf files do you have on the G-Drive, are these music files, news or complete shows?
So this question is not about the audio-format, that should not really matter.
How are you going to use them in your program schedule?
Kind Regards
It is like the dropbox , I am storing there the pre produced shows syndicated programmes. I know you can attache the G drive like example netdrive to set up a drive letter. But i need a script that it implimant the programmes automaticly
That was the information I was looking for.
Is it possible to have the File-Name per Syndicated Show, always the same?
If yes, it is really easy.
You just import the file once into the databse, than you can place it by the scheduler (Specific item). It will place the file where you need it. All you need to do than is: Make sure the latest Show can be found under exactly the same file name at the same file location. If you are running the G-Drive software it is basicly a folder on your playout PC.
Or do you not want to have the g-drive software on your playout PC? That it what I would have concerns with and you want to download the file to your playout PC without installing the software?
Here: script-collection/batch at master · Radio-Zoom/script-collection · GitHub I have a file called “webdavdown.cmd” it basicly does this. Not sure if you can map the G-Drive via Webdav without additional software but
That is the basic requirement for this batch file to work. Map a drive letter and use it to copy over the file to your playout pc.
I tried to run these batch scripts through mairlist but finally ended up using an external scheduler to take the task, for not risking any running playout problems.
Correct, I know that mAirlist can do that if have the same name. I have program makers who have their own way of writing, it is educating , how it should be done.
Yes I know these problems. But this seems to be the only relatively low effort way. There is an auto-importer for the Database on Version 6 of mAirlist but as this creates new database entries, it won’t help you either, because these new elements are not scheduled.
I’m also trieng to solve that and have it running fully automated.
At lease we already have a working folder structure on our server (I don’t trust 3rd party services)
it is like: Recordes Shows\%year%\%isoweek%\%dayofweek%\%playouthour%
Than we have a file format like %year%-%month%-%day%_%hh%%mm%_%HostName%_%ShowName%_%ControlSuffix%.mp3
We use this to repeat shows that have been recorded live, but so far we pick and place them by hand each day. As I am struggeling to get that working automated, even in versino 6, that brings some neat updates like Auto-Cue on load.