Script for remote controlled voicetracking

Recently I indicated on the forum that I would post a script that can be used to use a D&R Airence as remote control for voice tracking.

This script works very simply by adding the following actions to the ‘on’ position for the relevant Switches in the remote controls for the D&R Airence:

Switch 19 = action ‘AIRENCE BUTTON 19’
Switch 20 = action ‘AIRENCE BUTTON 20’
Switch 21 = action ‘AIRENCE BUTTON 21’
Switch 22 = action ‘AIRENCE BUTTON 22’
Switch 23 = action ‘AIRENCE BUTTON 23’
Switch 24 = action ‘AIRENCE BUTTON 24’

In my case I took the D&R Airence as an example.
Of course you can determine the name of the action yourself and set it for each type of remote control. Only remember that if you don’t use the Airence, please remove all lines with the
'Airenceremote(0)/SetLED" text

In addition, you will receive the script below. In the script, each line has a short explanation. Below the script I will put a brief explanation.

     VTscreenOn: boolean;								            // Variabele to check if VT screen is open
     VTrecordOn: boolean;							     	        // Variabele to check if VT is recording

procedure OnLoad;									                // Load states at startup mAirlist
     VTscreenOn :=false;								            // Set VTscreenOn variabele false
     VTrecordOn :=false;								            // Set VTrecordOn variabele false
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(19, acNone);						// Airence Button 19 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(20, acNone);						// Airence Button 20 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(21, acNone);						// Airence Button 21 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(22, acNone);						// Airence Button 22 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(23, acNone);						// Airence Button 23 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(24, acNone);						// Airence Button 24 led off

procedure OnVTOn;									                // When opening VT screen
     VTscreenOn :=true;									            // Set VTscreenOn variabele true
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(19, acGreen);						// Airence Button 19 green led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(20, acRed);						// Airence Button 20 red led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(21, acNone);						// Airence Button 21 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(22, acNone);						// Airence Button 22 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(23, acNone);						// Airence Button 23 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(24, acNone);						// Airence Button 24 led off

procedure OnVTOff;										            // When closing VT screen
     VTscreenOn :=false;									        // Set VTscreenOn variabele false
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(19, acNone);		                // Airence Button 19 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(20, acNone);			            // Airence Button 20 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(21, acNone);				        // Airence Button 21 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(22, acNone);					    // Airence Button 22 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(23, acNone);					    // Airence Button 23 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(24, acNone);						// Airence Button 24 led off

procedure OnExecuteCommand (Command: String);
  if NOT VTscreenOn and NOT VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 19') then begin		// Press airence button 19 when VT screen isn't open
    ExecuteCommand('VT OPEN');								        // Open VT screen
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(19, acGreen);						// Airence Button 19 green led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(20, acRed);						// Airence Button 20 red led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(21, acNone);						// Airence Button 21 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(22, acNone);						// Airence Button 22 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(23, acNone);						// Airence Button 23 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(24, acNone);						// Airence Button 24 led off
  else if VTscreenOn and NOT VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 19') then begin		// Press airence button 19 when VT screen is open but VT isn't recording
    ExecuteCommand('VT SAVE');								        // Save VT
  else if VTscreenOn and NOT VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 21') then begin		// Press airence button 21 when VT screen is open but VT is't recording
     ExecuteCommand('VT EDIT');								       // Open VT editor									
  else if VTscreenOn and NOT VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 20') then begin		// Press airence button 20 when VT screen is open but VT isn't recording
     ExecuteCommand('VT RECORD START');							   // Start Recording VT
      VTrecordOn :=true;								           // Set VTrecordOn variabele true
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(19, acNone);			           // Airence Button 19 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLEDBlink(20, acRed, acNone, absSlow); // Airence Button 20 slow blinking red led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(21, acNone);					   // Airence Button 21 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(22, acGreen);					   // Airence Button 22 green led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(23, acGreen);					   // Airence Button 23 green led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(24, acNone);					   // Airence Button 24 led off
  else if VTscreenOn and VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 20') then begin		// Press airence button 20 when VT screen is open and VT is recording
     ExecuteCommand('VT RECORD STOP');							    // Stop Recording VT
      VTrecordOn :=false;								            // Set VTrecordOn variabele false
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(19, acGreen);						// Airence Button 19 green led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(20, acRed);						// Airence Button 20 red led
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(21, acGreen);						// Airence Button 21 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(22, acNone);						// Airence Button 22 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(23, acNone);						// Airence Button 23 led off
         AirenceRemote(0).SetLED(24, acNone);						// Airence Button 24 led off
  else if VTscreenOn and VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 22') then begin		// Press airence button 22 when VT screen is open and VT is recording
     ExecuteCommand('VT PLAYER A FADEOUT');						    // Fadeout player A
  else if VTscreenOn and VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 23') then begin		// Press airence button 23 when VT screen is open and VT is recording
     ExecuteCommand('VT PLAYER B START');						 	    // Start player B

  else if VTscreenOn and NOT VTrecordOn AND (Command = 'AIRENCE BUTTON 24') then begin		// Press airence button 24 when VT screen is open but VT isn't recording
     ExecuteCommand('VT CANCEL');								   // Cancel and close VT screen								



A short explanation:

If the voice track screen is not open, the screen can be opened using switch 19.

Switch 19 will light up green and switch 20 will light up red.

Pressing switch 20 will start recording and this switch will flash red.
Switch 22 and 23 light up green. Switch 21 fades player A out and switch 22 starts player B.
If you press switch 20 again, the recording will be stopped.
after this switch 21 will also light up green.

This switch 21 opens the mixed editor so that the voice track can be adjusted. Unfortunately, it is not (yet) possible to close the mixed editor using a remote action, so this still has to be done with the mouse.

After everything is set up, the voice track can be saved by pressing switch 19. To cancel, use switch 24.

This is a brief explanation of the structure of the script.

This script also comes into effect when the voicetrack screen is opened by means of the VT button in the menu bar.

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