After 3 years or so, having callously deserted you all since version 2 ceased to exist being supported as it was then, I popped into see how y’all are doing. and downloaded the community version for evaluation.
In the tagger, am I supposed to be able to save data according to BWF format (think I’ve got that right) as adopted by CoolEdit Pro, Adobe Audition, BSI’s Simian Automation system to name but a few?
Thanks, Chris. I remember this Info Editor, and that I have looked into this issue, but I really can’t remember why I didn’t finish the implementation. I’ll have another look.
Well, not me, for one. I wouldn’t use Audacity if you paid me! I find it an incredibly counter-intuitive program for anything except simple recording and cutting, and it seems to do anything useful with it, you have to find, download, and install a gazillion add-ons. Assuming you can find an add-on to do what you want in the first place, that is.
Sorry, but Audacity is just not for me. I’ve tried several times to use it, and every time I end up uninstalling it after an hour or two, and vowing NEVER to try it again. Then I go looking for some puppies, a sack, some rocks, and a DEEP river. >:(
But to answer your question, AFAICS Audacity didn’t support BWF until 1.3.3 (1.3.x is currently their beta version).
My ancient version of Sound Forge (V4 or so I think? It was bundled with an old Creative card), along with (currently) ACID Music Studio does me fine. I’m looking very seriously at replacing ACID with Cockos Reaper, though. Since many people I know who use Audacity tell me they find Reaper a little counter-intuitive to use, logically it sounds like a perfect fit for yours truly! I don’t plan to spend more than the USD $60 that Reaper V4 (when available) would cost me on any audio editing/mixing software, especially since Reaper seems to include so many ‘goodies’ straight out of the box.
The 0.999 (last freeware) version of Reaper I’ve tried seems not so different from ACID, Reaper’s latest version 3.74 looks pretty spiffy, and if I wait a little while for V4 to arrive first, I expect that will be even better. If not complete overkill for my modest needs. ;D