Resyncen database mairlist

Hi Torben

I have a question . I have a problem with several folders in my database, the problem is as follows, i see the root from the mp3 this is correct , the song is visible in the database. When i create the playlist en load the playlist i recieve the message the music note and the ! . I think that mairlist can’t find the root is this correct ? Is there a way to resync the database



Check the filename that is displayed in the item properties dialog - is the path correct?

Strange . Ok what i can see that several songs the path was incorrect. Do i need delete the database folder and re-sync the database again



In the database file, only the ID of the storage and the relative filename is stored. When you insert the file into the playlist, mAirList reconstructs the filename, using the current storage path, plus the relativ filename.


Storage ID: 1
Storage path: C:\music
Filename: C:\music\someartist\sometitle.mp3

What is storage in the database as general configuration:

Path for Storage ID 1 is: C:\music

What is stored in the database for the file:

Storage ID: 1
Filename: someartist\sometitle.mp3

So it would be interesting to know what’s in the database. Send me the database file to and I’ll have a look. Also tell me the ID and the expected filename of an example item that is broken.

If any of the database, the files, and mAirList are on separate PCs, my best advice is to use mapped drive letters for all music and audio folders, and make sure ALL the PCs use the SAME drive letters.

For example:
If all music and audio is all on C:\music on a PC named LIBRARY, do this:

[ol][li]Choose a drive letter (for example, L:).[/li]
[li]On ALL the PCs (INCLUDING the LIBRARY PC), map L: to \LIBRARY\c$\music.[/li]
[li]When adding storages to mAirListDB, use the L: ‘drive’ and DO NOT use c:\music.[/li][/ol]

This way, ALL the PCs are using the same network drive letter (L: in this example) and everything will work, because the database storage is using drive L: and NOT the local C:\music folder. The latter WILL fail on other PCs on the same network.

Hope that helps.


I will check it on monday again. I am away for the weekend. So not be able to check

