Hi Torben,
(I initially wrote this message for sending it to you in “private”, but it seems you blocked my message :-. Quite disappointing, but no matter…)
I write to you because I’m wondering if there is possibility to have the “REST server” functionnality into the “Home Studio” version of mAirlist ?
I explain you what I’m doing… I rent dedicated servers into OVH datacenter, in which I virtualize several windows machines. I would like to install mAirlist (and shoutcast server) for streaming private webradio (me, my family, my friends). Not aimed to stream from my house : only from the distant machines.
But for supplying continous service and control, I’m interested by the “REST server” function for controlling and managing distant mAirlist without having to take direct control (using Remote Desktop). I would write a small program for using mAirlistCommand.exe and interacting remotely with mAirlist…
Is it possible to obtain this functionality with Personal Home Studio version ? What price ?