Remote websocket


I am wondering if it is possible to send a command to a websocket trough a mAirlist-script.

For a visual radio solution I am using OBS studio and the OBS-websocket plugin. Every time a new song starts playing, I want OBS to switch to a different scene.

Any ideas?


No, we do not support the Websockets protocol.

Thank you for the quick reply. That’s unfortunate… Do you know/have an idea how I can accomplish this?

I have already tried to do it via HTTP-Post and HTTP-Get. I made a HTML page with a jQuery script sending the command to the websocket. When I load the page in a webbrowser, the command works, but with HTTP-Post or HTTP-Get trough mAirlist it doesn’t…

Wireshark? :slight_smile:

you can do this if you write the update in a text file, and let obs read out this text file…

—> system ----> Logging --> new…
i do it in this way and it is greatful working…
