Remote control

Hé guys

Maybe you can help me out again. I have my mairlist in my home studio set up like this

player 0_0 for as music player 1
player 0_1 for as music player 2

Player 1_0 as jingle player 1
Player 1_1 as jingle player 2
Player 1_2 as jingle player 3

The problem is now in the remote acces tool in the config that i cant choose for player 0_0 and 0_1 in the config because it is not there availible in version 4.1 1428

I have tried to change it in the skin ini file . But nothing happend.

I am using the joystick /gamepad logitec attack 3

Maybe i do not seeing something (sorry for my english)

I have tried also to change it in the layout editor but it is not possible. Maybe somebody did have also the same problems as me



remote control.png

In script/INI files, the first Player is always 0, however, in the Config, it’s always 1. Unless that’s changed in v4 :wink:

In short, in your screenshot - PLAYER 1-1 is the first Player in the first Playlist.

It is version 4.1 to be exactly 1428. ( i know it is stil a alpha version)

But what i see now it is working fine again. Sometimes 4.1 freezes a little bit . The files are played localy in the Mairlist , because of it delay in the vpn connection.
But now also it happens in the local folder file but thats a differend issue than this

For now the remote faderstart is working . But will check it again this afternoon


Attached the playlist. Can you check if it is correct charlie ?



reclame en nieuws.m3u (151 Bytes)