Quick Folder can't delete & Database Minimizes

Re: 3.1.3, Build 831

Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve noticed a couple issues I thought I’d report:

a) In Config, under “GUI, Browser”, a Quick Folder can be created and then removed; however, it reappears once Config is reopened.

b) Opening Database from Main Playout: clicking “Delete Folder” causes the Playout to insert itself in front of Database (appears that Database disappears or minimizes).

Best Regards, Alec

a) Will be investigated.

b) That’s the Delphi bug discussed here: http://forum.mairlist.com/index.php/topic,4771.0.html - as I mentioned in that thread, it’s not possible to work around it for a couple of dialog types. The confirmation message boxes seem to be one example.

Indeed Torben… I now remember that you did mention the Delphi bug would still cause issues.

Thanks for your attention.

Regards, Alec M

Both issues resolved in the latest build 832. Even found a workaround for the message dialogs so the playout window won’t pop up all the time. Now it’s only the open/save file dialogs that are still problematic.

Cheers Torben! Thanks for the very quick resolution!

Regards, Alec M