Question Skin INI

I have a few questions about ini or setup ,

is it possible to change the duration time of the song to move to the left or right in the screen of the players section ?
i have type many things in INI but not works

Another question is , in the playlist rows
I have one row ( blue color ) for player A and one row ( green color ) for player B
Is it possible So when Player A is active, next element must be in player B. When Player B is active, next element must be in Player A ?
( The Blue row always on A and Green row Always on B )

many thanks… Richard

The last question about the playlist i found .


i have only this question now ,
is it possible to change the duration time of the song to move to the left or right in the screen of the players section ?
i have type many things in INI but not works

The position of the elements within the player can not be changed using the skin editor.

Somewhere in the mAirList forum there was a discussion how to re-create the player for individual purposes (including album front cover and so on), but I think that was very complicated.

oke , thank you Ulinobe

I think you can customize your Player-Skin via XML-Layout. But there is not much of documentation for that. Just search in the Forum for Player-XML. But you can only use one Building-Stone(?) in each XML-File. So, if you want to use Time in two Rows this is not gonna work.

ok thanks [PatRick1996]