Progressbar with 2 playlists

Hi everybody,

I have 2 playlists in my mAirlist configuration.
I want the first one to display elapsed/remain time in the global progressbar (its players are hidden).
For the second playlist, I want its players (which are shown) to not displaying elapsed/remain time in the global progressbar.

I remember an option for that, I think, but I can’t find it.

Could you help me please ?



Not possible. The global progressbar is always global.

mmmm :frowning:
I thought there was an option for that. Maybe I was thinking about the one for cartwall item…

Yes, I think there’s one for the cartwall…

GUI, Progress bar, Ignore cartwall, to be specific. ;D

Ask me another! :wink:

I think a good way to achieve Theo’s wish would be to add a new Player, GUI Options option named something like Include player in global progress bar (default: on).


Yes, I knew about the cartwall (I already use it).

What you propose is a good idea. Not a very important setting at the moment, but it would be great if it would be implemented in future mAirlist version ;D