Progress Bar


I think i have found a bug regarding the progress bar in players…

Basically i can’t get rid of it!

I have tried in the actual config, then when you re-load it all the boxes are ticked again.

I have tried adding OFF to the progress bar in the mairlist.ini and still it does nothing

Any ideas?


It’s a bug. I have updated the snapshot.

By the way, all GUI related settings are now in GUI.ini. If there’s settings with the same name in mAirList.ini, they are from an older version and aren’t used anymore.


Just one more thing, since updating the snapshot just now, i have lost certain skin.ini settings such as hour clock font colour and and player remain time color (all gui items)…

I tried copying and pasting the skin.ini info across into the gui.ini just to see if that made any difference but im afraid not!

Any thoughts?

Take a look at the change log and you’ll find an explanation: All design settings (colors, fonts, …) for the extra screen objects (clock, countdowns, etc.) are now managed directly through mAirListConfig.

Wow, i love it. that is so much better. great work!

Thanks to Cad for proposing this.

:slight_smile: Herr Doktor is too kind!

… and obviously I wasn’t the only person frustrated by having to go to two .ini files to change colour, font, etc. of ScreenObjects. :smiley:

Lackster: If you haven’t already done so, go into Config, Screen Objects and admire Torben’s wonderful new setup pages for all the ScreenObjects! :wink: A huge improvement on the 2.x versions of those pages, yes?