Programmabstürze beim mAirList 4.1.4

Hallo zusammen,

unsere Moderatoren berichten mir von Programmabstürzen während ihrer Sendungen. Sie schildern, dass das Programm einfriert, wenn sie einen Titel aus der Datenbanksuche per drag&drop in die Playlist laden. Einen Moment später wird mAirList dann beendet.

Ich habe versucht, den Fehler auch zu verursachen, aber bei mir gibt es keine Probleme. Nach der Beschreibung der Modertoren kann ich nicht erkennen, ob sie die Abstürze ggf. durch einen Bedienungsfehler verursachen. Vielleicht kennt einer von Euch die mögliche Ursache.

VG Robert
Studiowelle 2
Klinikradio Solingen

Schwer zu beurteilen ohne nähere Informationen zu haben.

Wenn mAirList einfriert, sollte nach 60 Sekunden eine Meldung “The application seems to be frozen kommen”, mit einem Details-Button und der Möglichkeit, von dort einen Bugreport zu versenden. Nur damit kann ich wirklich erkennen, wo es hängt.

Ansonsten macht doch mal ein Update. Mit eurer Lizenz dürft ihr alles von 4.x nutzen, und in den aktuellsten 4.4ern ist mir kein solches Problem bekannt.

Ich erinnere mich, ein solches Problem auch gehabt zu haben, was mit zuvielen Unterordnern zusammenhing. Das war aber glaube ich schon bei V5.x, wo beim Datei-Import die Ordnerstruktur mit übernommen wurde.

Ich muss mich mal kurz hier einklinken. :slight_smile:
@Scrat wird in der 5’er Version die Ordnerstruktur in die Datenbank mit übernommen?
Also wenn ich auf der der HD eine Struktur wie diese habe:

  • Musik
    — A
    ---- A1
    ---- A2
    — B
    — C
  • Jingle
    — A
    — B

finde ich diese hinterher in der Datenbank genau so wieder?

Das ist ein Feature, welches ich noch bei Mairlist vermisse, und das wäre der Grund für mich, ein Update zu kaufen :wink:

Man kann in v5 im Sync-Dialog ankreuzen “Ordnerstruktur beibehalten”, und dann legt er neu eingetragene Dateien in die entsprechenden DB-Unterordner (und legt diese auch bei Bedarf automatisch an).

Ich wollt’s grad sinngemäß genauso wiedergeben. Aber nö, der Herr Doktor war ja wieder schneller! :slight_smile:

Ach, ssnoopy: Ich wüsste noch ein paar mehr Gründe für’s Update… (only in inglüsch):

[+] Remote control: Added support for Ember+ protocol (acting as a consumer)
[+] Cartwall: Added per-player volume sliders (must be enabled in options)
[+] License Manager: Redesigned notice/warning dialogs with “don’t show this message again” option for temporary license warnings
[+] Logging: Added support for TuneIn AIR API
[] DB: Optimized playlist load routines, loading long playlists much faster now
] Playlist: Players of overflow/skipped items are automatically unloaded
[+] Layout Designer: Ability to “detach” any object into a separate window
[+] New playlist item type: Embedded Playlist. Pretty much like a container, but is not playable by itself. Must be unpacked first. Can also be stored in DB library.
[+] Playlist: New option “Automatically unpack embedded playlist”
[+] New feature: DB Auto Importer
[] Remote control: Command list in natural sort order (2 before 10)
[+] DB: Ability to specify a default storage for import per folder
[+] Cartwall: Added “Open audio file” to right-click menu
[+] Cue Editor: Auto Cue now also possible for non-local files (HTTP, DBServer)
[+] DB: Music templates: New “hybrid” setting (tries to import from external scheduler, falls back to internal scheduling on error)
[+] DB: Music templates: Source (internal/external/hybrid) can/must be set separately for each block - it’s possible to mix internal and external music scheduling within the same music template now.
[+] New log variable: %S{format] - start time of item (for stop logging}
[+] TPI import: Added support for R (remark) lines
[+] Database playlist actions: New option “Skip to current time” (useful when using “Load database playlist” as “action after startup”)
[+] TPI import: Added support for E (External ID) lines
[+] New “update advertising” function (in DB playlist Generate menu, Go To dialog, playout playlist contect menu, Database Playlist actions). Will inspect all advertising containers and update their contents in case advertising settings or external traffic import lists have changed. Only works when containers are used for advertising.
] TuneIn AIR API: All values transmitted are encoded in UTF-8
[+] DB: File import: New setting “if target file exists”
[+] DB Server/Client: Updated to protocol version 13
[+] File import options: Added “Import ## in filename as External ID”
[+] DB: Now using GUID strings as Database ID for new databases
[+] Database playlist actions: Ability to specify a script for postprocessing the playlist before loading it into playlist. From within the script, use CurrentPlaylist to access the data.
[+] DB: Ability to run scripts from the DB application
[+] M3U Export: Support for Extended M3U format
[+] Scripting: Added IPlaylist.LoadFromFileWithFilter, SaveToFileWithFilter
[+] Scripting: Added IPlaylistItem.GetFileDate
[+] DB Auto Importer: Ability to specify a subfolder within the storage
[+] DB Internet Client: Now using “mAirListDB:” as internal DB identifier to avoid issues in mixed local/Client environments
[+] DB Server: Improved security checks for file uploads and downloads
[+] DB: IMPORTANT CHANGE: Removed “Import folder” setting from storage configuration; instead, the user can now explicitly select the target directory (storage subfolder) in the “Import Files” dialog (also in the folder settings of the DB Auto Importer). You can still type the folder manually and use variables.
[+] DB: Folder properties: Added “storage subfolder” setting
[+] DB: Will refuse to upload a file with an existing External ID
[+] DB: Database schema upgraded to version 23
[+] Logging: Added new “System Log File” facility, allows you e.g. to create additional log files with selected categories only.
[+] DB: New setting: Create error item in Library for unknown External IDs
[+] Containers: New item option “Failsafe playback”, will play the rest of the container even if some items fail
[+] Playlist: New icon used for items failed to prebuffer; warning icon now used for containers where part of the content failed to load
[+] Playlist: New GUI option “Auto recycle items on move/drop” (brings back old behavior from v5.0 and earlier)
[+] DB: Errors and underruns in playlists are reported in scheduler, generate playlists action, and load/append playlist actions
[*] Better handling of daylight saving changes: Events will not be scheduled in “invalid” hours; Load/Append Database Playlist actions will advance to next valid hour automatically.
[+] New playlist item type: Error
[+] DB: Hour templates: Ability to specify a “negative” fixed time (before top of the hour)
[+] Cartwall: New option “Ignore mouse clicks”
[+] Cartwall: New option “Allow dragging of items to playlist”
[+] DB: Auto Importer: Ability to write log file to disk

Version 5.1-beta Build 2700 (2014-11-28)

[+] New “Remote Control Console” window (in the About menu) that allows you to monitor remote control activity and send/test your own commands
[+] Encoder: New “Aux” input
[+] Encoder: New “Secondary” input, with separate sound processing, can used for players that need a different DSP chain (e.g. for advertising)
[+] Encoder: New “High Priority” input - normal and secondary player input will be faded out while you play any audio item on this input. Fade duration can be adjusted on the Encoder Options page.
[+] Encoder: New option “Mute local output during PFL”
[+] Encoder: The mute/unmute mic/line actions have been merged into a single “Switch input on or off” action
[+] DB: In a multi station setup, stations are displayed as tabs at the bottom
[+] DB: Optimized “Go to playlist” dialog, much faster than before
[+] Config: “Play test sound” function in audio device configuration
[+] Config: Load/save function in audio device configuration
[+] DB: Cue markers can be displayed in library/playlist
[+] New “Stream Monitor” feature
[+] Remote control: Added support for WheatNet-IP BLADE and Console devices
[*] Reduced GDI Handle consumption of an idle mAirList instance by about 60%, allowing more instances to run within the same Windows logon session
[+] Control Panel: Goes back to last page when reopening
[+] Background scripts: New procedures OnVTOn, OnVTOff, OnVTVolume
[+] Remote control: Added TCP/IP Server, TCP/IP Client
[+] MIDI: Redesigned remote control configuration from scratch, monitor/capture function now also available in Control Panel
[+] DMAX: Redesigned configuration dialog, support for OPT keys
[+] Config: Most configuration items (databases, remote controls, …) can now be exported/imported from/to .ini files

:wink: :wink: