Hi everybody,
Tonight, I made test about modify startnext point on mairlist playlist item, using scripts.
It seems to have a problem with the method GetCuePosition because when I try to call it, when running the script, the return value is always 0 whereas the item has a valid value (it’s stored in the MMD file and PFL is ok with this value).
SystemLog('CURRENT ITEM = ' + Next_item_3.GetTitle);
i64Ramp := Next_item_3.GetCuePosition(ptRamp1).GetValue;
SystemLog('CURRENT INTRO = ' + IntToStr(i64Ramp)) ;
In System log screen, I see ‘0’ whereas MMD file indicates
Is it a bug or am I missing something ?
PS : I know v3.0 is not complete and I know it’s better to use the v2.2 for production purpose. But, at the moment, I’m not in “production” and, when my project will be ready (a few month) I want to be ready with v3.0, not v2.2. If I choose v2.2, I will have to take time later to rewrite my scripts… I prefer to prepare v3.0 now.