Problem "Type Mismatch" in serial Script

Hello everyone.

I am currently making a script to send serial strings to my arduino card when the players are playing or stopped but mairlist can’t load it.

I have " [Error] : Type mismatch" after every lines concerning the com port like

ComPort(10).SetParameters(9600, 8, ‘N’, 1);
ComPort(10).SendStr(‘pfl on’);
ect …
Here is the code :

procedure OnLoad;
ComPort(10).SetParameters(9600, 8, 'N', 1);
procedure OnPlayerStateChange(PlaylistIndex: integer; PlayerIndex: integer; OldState: TPlayerState; NewState: TPlayerState; Item: IPlaylistItem);
if (PlayerIndex = 0) and (PlayerIndex= 0) and (NewState = psPlaying) then // Player 1 is now “playing”
ComPort(10).SendStr('pfl on');
if (PlayerIndex = 0) and (PlayerIndex= 0) and (NewState = psStopped) then // Player 1 is now “stopped”
ComPort(10).SendStr('pfl off');

I also use the ComPort 10 to receive commands form the arduino card.
Thanks for your help

Hi Louis,

are the quotes in the expressions the correct ones like 'N' and not typographic ones: ‘N’? Maybe this happened only while pasting into the forum, but who knows?

(Please remember while pasting to mark code as such, with the </>-Button above.)

Apart from that you refer to Playerindex = 0 twice in the same if-statement. Maybe one of them should read PlaylistIndex = 0.

And it maybe better to use else if instead of the second if (but remember: no semicolon before else!).

Pasted regards


Try ComPort('COM10')instead of ComPort(10).


Thanks Tondose for all your advices The 'N' became a ‘N’ with the copy/paste, it create a syntaxe error.

The problem is solve ! I’ve replaced ComPort(10) by ComPort('COM10') and it works, thanks Torben !
Here it is :

procedure OnLoad; //Lors du chargement du script
ComPort('COM6').SetParameters(9600, 8, 'N', 1);

// Playlists
procedure OnPlayerStateChange(PlaylistIndex: integer; PlayerIndex: integer; OldState: TPlayerState; NewState: TPlayerState; Item: IPlaylistItem); //Lors du changement de statut des lecteurs

// Player 1-1 Playing
if (PlaylistIndex = 0) and (PlayerIndex= 0) and (NewState = psPlaying) then
ComPort('COM6').SendStr('pfl on')

// Player 1-1 Stopped
else if (PlaylistIndex = 0) and (PlayerIndex= 0) and (NewState = psStopped) then
ComPort('COM6').SendStr('pfl off');

// Player 1-2 Playing
if (PlaylistIndex = 0) and (PlayerIndex= 1) and (NewState = psPlaying) then
ComPort('COM6').SendStr('pfl on')

// Player 1-2 Stopped
else if (PlaylistIndex = 0) and (PlayerIndex= 1) and (NewState = psStopped) then
ComPort('COM6').SendStr('pfl off');



Best regards
(Sorry for the layout of my previous post, i’m a newbie on the forum)