Postprocessing script and mini-scheduler

Hello everybody,

Tonight, I discovered a bug (or I missed an option in the configuration) in the very last release version of mAirlist.
I set a postprocessing script on my hour template :
Capture d’écran 2024-07-24 à 00.03.03

In mairlist Database, when I generate the playlist using the “Generate > This playlist” option, it works fine. My script run successfully on the newly created playlist (just one hour).

However, when I use the “Generate > Mini-scheduler” option to generate several hours/days in one shot, postprocessing script doesn’t execute.

Maybe there is an option elsewhere ?

I made some new tries yesterday and this morning… and I think I found what is the issue…

It’s not due to the way I generate playlist I think.
In mairlistDB, when I generate one hour playlist, it seems my postprocessing script applies very well. I save the playlist : all the modifications seems to always be here.
But if I go to the next hour (or the previous) and I come back to the generated hour, all modifications made by my postprocessing script are gone. I think nothing is really save with my playlist.

(for information, my postprocessing script modifies some mix between specific tracks).

Is it a bug in your opinion ?
Very annoying at the moment…

Note : a lot of errors “database is locked” occured but I will write another ticket later for that…


SOLVED by myself…

My script didn’t save in database all modifications it performs.
I use some “database” code to get the database id, to get the Idatabase object in order to SavePlaylistItem … and it works now.

Sorry for disturbing…

