Player doesn't fade to hard fixed time

Probably some really easy mistake which I couldn’t find…

In a hour template start and end of hour markers are set to hard fixed time.
And a last advertising block backtimed before end of the hour.

Still player wouldn’t fade to the fixed time, or start advertising block backtimed. It’s working as soft.
I tried to set a first element (news container) to hard also, but it didn’t change a behavior.

Hello I would like to help you but I do not understand what you want to do, your problem is not clear.

En Français :
Salut je voudrai t’aidé mais je ne comprend pas ce que veux faire, ton problème n’est pas claire.

Hello Philippe,

I attached one example…
If I have understood right, the player should fade “Girls” so an advertising block plays to TOTH (13:00) and news should start on time.
But, it didn’t. It dropped “Hold on my heart” as it should but didn’t fade “Girls”. It played whole song.

I did it this way:

Commercial block 1 is back timed
Start of hour-marked is hard fixed time, in case there are no commercials scheduled top of hours starts at xx:00.

pour te répondre , en fait ton titre " HOLD ON MY HEART" ne sera pas jouer, parce tu as une heure fixe pour la publicité, si tu mettait une heure variable, ton titre pourrait être jouer ou décaler après la pub, vue que tu n’as plus rien après c’est normal qui comble quand il charge la playlist suivante. Il faudrait aussi que dans ton templat de musique tu rajouter un bloc pour redémarrer après la pub un bloc de remplissage pour finir ton heure.

Je t’explique ce que j’ai fais pour ma webradio :
Dans mes templats de musique, je les ai découpé en 3 bloc vue que sur 1h j’ai 2 spot pub.
bloc musique 1 environ 15min → PUB → Bloc musique 2 environ 30 min → PUB → Bloc musique 3 du temp qu’il reste.

voila ce que ça peu donner et comme ça tu as des heures quasiment plein sans blanc

Traduction Google :
to answer you, in fact your title “HOLD ON MY HEART” will not be played, because you have a fixed time for advertising, if you put a variable time, your title could be played or shifted after the ad, since you you have nothing after it’s normal which fills when it loads the next playlist. It would also be necessary that in your music template you add a block to restart after the ad a filling block to finish your hour.

I explain to you what I did for my web radio:
In my music templates, I cut them into 3 view blocks that over 1 hour I have 2 commercial spots.
music block 1 about 15min → PUB → music block 2 about 30 min → PUB → music block 3 of the remaining time.
here is what it can give and like that you have hours almost full without white

Thanks all for your suggestions!

I noticed “automatically jump to fixed time items in automation mode” was not set, and it seems like this corrected behaviour…

  • Jani

moi je les modifie dans les paramètres de l’élément