Player and Cartwall Borders


Am I correct that the players in v4 no longer have borders? If correct, I’ve worked around by placing a blank static text box under my players. Could someone please tell me whether mixing these two will cause any issues? So far, all works well so I assume it won’t.

Also, I can’t place a static text box under the cartwall players. Is there no way to place a border around a cartwall player?

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

Cheers, Alec M

Silence :’( I guess, then, that mixing the two is okay and that the cartwall can’t have a border? ;D

Cheers, Alec M

No borders at the moment, sorry.

And the Z-order (which object is on top and which is top) is somewhat random.

Cheers Torben!

Alec m