Played song on website but how do you add coming up?


our new webmaster would like to include the next 2 songs that are going to play on the website.
For the moment we have the now playing thing working (Mair send data to online database) but how can we add the information on what will come next?

Have a great day!
kind regards,

By using + signs in the variables, you can access the data of the subsequent (next) items in the playlist.

For example %+a retrieves the artist of the next item, not the current one, %++a the artist of the item after the next item, and so on.

So in the logging thing for the database we add 2 extra lines? And what happens when you send new data to that database? Will this erase the old + data? Or … Just added 4 colons to the database and update the scrips. Waiting to get a new toth to get new data (now we run a pre mixed show …)

Okay got it working. Not sure why it did not worked the last time (and this morning). I’ve used +artist and ++artist … but that did not work. Changed to Nartist and NNartist and that worked.

Have a great day Uli and thank you for the help!

On your website? :thinking:

$artist = mysqli_escape_string($db, $_GET['artist']);
  $title = mysqli_escape_string($db, $_GET['title']);
  $Nartist = mysqli_escape_string($db, $_GET['Nartist']);
  $Ntitle = mysqli_escape_string($db, $_GET['Ntitle']);
  $NNartist = mysqli_escape_string($db, $_GET['NNartist']);
  $NNtitle = mysqli_escape_string($db, $_GET['NNtitle']);  
  mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO playlistlog (starttime, artist, title, Nartist, Ntitle,NNartist, NNtitle) VALUES (NOW(), '$artist', '$title', '$Nartist', '$Ntitle', '$NNartist', '$NNtitle')");

This part of the script was where I was stuck. The first few times I used +artist and ++artist. That did not work. Why ?? Nartist and NNartist works for me.

EDIT by Mod: Code