Play file by date mask and FTP


Is it possible to play a file by date mask ?
I have a lot of file to play daily day by day named like “03-05-2017.mp3” “04-05-2017.mp3” called “horoscope” or “meteo”
I would like to place in a clock and play automaticly the file of the present day.
I dont find a solution.
Can you help me please ?

Other question, i find a download possibilities in events scheduler but is not possible to download by ftp?
If i try with url like “” + login and password, it doesnt work.
This is for download news, meteo and other radioshow.

Thanks in advance.

And other question when i testing now:

  • How to schedule automaticaly the next days (like 3 days in advance) > every 3 days > generate playlists automatically.
  • Is it possible to make an event or script to generate html file of generated playlists and send by mail automatically ? (Daily, every dj receive he’s playlist and can record he’s voice track).
    I would like to have a maximum automated system.


Hello Flybelgium,

First of all, welcome to mAirList and welcome to this forum!


Is it possible to play a file by date mask ?
I have a lot of file to play daily day by day named like “03-05-2017.mp3” “04-05-2017.mp3” called “horoscope” or “meteo”
I would like to place in a clock and play automaticly the file of the present day.
I dont find a solution.
Can you help me please ?

Yes, this is possible using the Event Scheduler.

I assume you want to play this file on fixed times during the hour or the day? Make an Event with action “Play file” or “Insert file”. See chapter 4.2 of the mAirList V3.1 User Manual for further infomation about the Event Scheduler.

Works like a charm!

And other question when i testing now:
  • How to schedule automaticaly the next days (like 3 days in advance) > every 3 days > generate playlists automatically.
  • Is it possible to make an event or script to generate html file of generated playlists and send by mail automatically ? (Daily, every dj receive he’s playlist and can record he’s voice track).
    I would like to have a maximum automated system.


You can generate and schedule playlists in advance using the Mini Scheduler. See chapter 11.5.3 of the mAirList V3.1 User Manual for further information on the Mini Scheduler. Note: in order to use the Mini Scheduler, your content for a maximum automated system (music, jingles, news etc) must be stored in a mAirList database. See tutorials:mairlistdb:music-scheduling [mAirList Wiki] .

Thank you for your responses :slight_smile:

If i use the event scheduler for play file by date mask, if i understand, i must create an event for every file ?
The best way for me is one event and mAirlist select automaticaly the file of the present day, not possible ?
Like this : play file named dd-MM-yyyy.mp3 > mAirlist select himself the file of the present day.

For Mini Scheduler, yes i can generate playlist in advance, but i dont want to generate myself.
The Mini Scheduler cannot run automaticaly every day or every week and generate the playlist himself ? (with an event or script ?)

Thanks for your help

You can use the usual variables (%Y etc.) in a filename when you check the “Expand variables in URL/filename” option in the Playback settings of the filename.

Also possible in a “insert/play file” event (there is an option in the action settings, last tab).

I’m just not sure if it’s possible to add such a file with variables in it to the DB library.

Variable reference:

[quote=“Torben, post:6, topic:11044”]You can use the usual variables (%Y etc.) in a filename when you check the “Expand variables in URL/filename” option in the Playback settings of the filename.

Also possible in a “insert/play file” event (there is an option in the action settings, last tab).

I’m just not sure if it’s possible to add such a file with variables in it to the DB library.

Variable reference:[/quote]

Thank you ! It works !
The complete solution is on a event, play or append file > choose the folder and filename > replace 2017-05-05.mp3 by %Y-%M-%D.mp3.
Now, i would like to find a solution for file named like “news_05052017_hotnews.mp3”, i try with news_%D%M%y*.mp3 but doesnt work. Maybe “*” is not work like windows selected any character with a star.

No, wildcards won’t work. Make sure that you are using a fixed pattern for the filename each time you write it, e.g. “news_05052017.mp3”.