Original year in playlist

I would like to add not the year of a song but the original year of a song to my playlist.
Adding the year is no problem, but I can’t add the original year tag. Mairlist doesn’t seem to recognize this tag either. How can I ensure that the original year tag is also read for Mairlist so that I can display this value in the playlist?

Are your files stored as mp3 with the IDv2.4 scheme?

There is no way that mairlist does that.
What I did and that’s a lot of work is I bought the national hit dossier.
Go to a Artist and look for all entries and change them Manuel in Mairlist.
My music is a lot cd with various artists and then you get the year of the cd not the individual artists.

So it’s not possible to use the already existing Originalyear tag in the file in Mairlist?